Friday, December 21, 2012


A cold ticking hand on the clock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Each second a nail dragging on a chalk board, it's tremendous creak and scratch. His skin crawls as if a spider is walking across it, he begins to squirm in his seat, his back no longer feeling well. A trickle of sweats drains down his slanted forehead, a bright blindingly bright light swings over head, his hair clings to his head in matted clumps.

His wrists are tied tight by a rough sand paper like rope, dried crusted blood it matted up and down his arms. His mouth is dry like dust is in it, his tongue swollen and sticking to the roof of his mouth.

A thin man entered the room. A pitch black suit with a white tie around his neck, his face was hidden in shadow. This man's voice seemed far off, way to far off.

"Why did you do it?'

Tears fall down the tied up man's face.
"Do what?"

"Killing them. Killing her" A picture of a beautiful women with blond hair in held in front of his face. "Him." A child of no more than twelve years of age.

"I didn't.." Suit and tie smacked him across the face.

Monday, December 17, 2012

First part of my novel

Cracked hands reached up and peeled corn from its stalk. The hands owner quickly turned the cob over checking to see if it was okay. After a couple seconds it nodded and put it in a sack on it’s right side. Reaching up again it pulled another off and without even checking threw it into a sack on the left, the ones unfit to eat. The old man continued this grueling work for hours. Just methodically work up and down across several acres worth of corn.

As noon came about, his back sore from the heavy bags, the old man turned and began to walk back across the fields to where he left his lunch. As he passed across rows of corn, their stalks depleted now, red dust clinging to his trousers, his step weary from old age, he thought to himself that this years crop and yielded twice the amount compared to last year's crops. Twice the amount of corn for him and his family to eat and twice the amount from last year to sell and the market. And even the bad ones, which his family couldn't eat could feed the pigs and two horses. The husks would make for better baskets, or things to eat on and help preserve food. The seeds he would dry and plant again in three years.

Not more than a minute away was his horse, a trusty black stallion with a larger white spot on it’s forehead. The horse was quite large, putting it around 18 hands tall. And 24 long.

“Hey there Geld.” The old man patted the horse on it’s head, dust puffing up with each little tap.
“I need to take you to the river and wash you.” Reaching up he took of the sacks and placed them on the horses back. Sitting on a stump not far from the horse he sat down on it and pulled out a peice of bread and some cheese and two apples, one for him and one for his horse.

Sitting there, time silent, there was no noise of bugs for the sun was too hot for them to be active. The rest of the world was asleep, as was normal for when the worlds seems to blister and boil like a lobster in a pot. Noticing that his horse was thirsty and having no canteen for the mighty steed, he grabbed it’s reigns and walked it down to the river.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Okay rant on some major sort of BS to me

I sit on the curb everyday and I watch hundred pass me by. I sit with my hand open and stomach hallow. I am a disease, a ugliness on the gross misused under belly of society. I beg and plead I ask for a dollar, a quarter  a dime, a nickle, a pennie? No? Fine Fine. I will sit here starving. A veteran who has lost his arm in a war!

Now that I have you attention, what happened to america? What happened to my homeland? The greatest most powerful country in the worlds history? Where have my, our, your, freedoms gone!? I live in a country on the verge of losing her sovereignty! We are now filled with the weak and coward, when at one time we turned out the greatest and best. We have fallen ill to a great sickness in our country, one that has been seeping into our way of life for far to long! Because of this sickness, this disease, this cancerous tumor, we have fallen into a debt that nears 17 trillion, the highest tax in in our history, a weakend military and the poorest economy since the Great Depression. We live in a time of social progress but also the time of the Great rescission, (AKA grow up if you believed this was a rescission, if it was one we would have been out of it within a year, not still going on.) Millions have lost there jobs and this is the worst job market in just under a hundred years. And now we are looking at a time when over sixty percent of the population did not vote in a presidential election, we are sick and this sickness, America's true enemy, Apathy!

We live in a society filled "I don't cares!" Some one dies, and it's "I don't care." A man is robbed on the street corner and it's "I don't care!" We near a mark of 17 trillion dollars in debt and soon to have two added on every year and it's  "I! Dont! Care!" I say wake up america! Wake up to your cup of coffee and realize that we as a country will shut down if that debt does not turn around soon and we began to pay it off! We need more of people who will stand on that soap box, more dreamers, thinkers and fighters to rise ot their podium and shout "WE ARE TIRED OF NOT CARING!" I need the artist the speakers and movers and the motivators to rise again and shout into the air with me "I AM DONE NOT CARING!" Apathy needs to die and with it needs to die the sense that all will be right, for not all is right, all is wrong. Now is the time for people like MLK Jr, JFK, FDR, Ronald Regan, and their like to rise again and to wrestle this country from the jaws of death and to rise!
a mighty height for the small
A mini heigt for the large
for the down a climb a blight a fight a war
for the big a drool a dread an ant a day! 
One left
Left of many
many of many
Many to reduce
Reduce did not happen
Happen did defeat
defeat for one
one for victory
victory for none
A combined might
A broken night
A torn bright
A blight of fright
The child weeps


To feel like a joke is perhaps the worst feeling in the world. The thick frog like feeling in your throat as you want to cry but cant do to always being the strong one. No I lie the feeling of Christmas for me....guys I am trusting you on this one, don't tell anybody. Only like one other person knows in the whole world, but I can't do it, I can't be happy this time of year. I space out and feel like I don't belong and I float from one class to the next not even really there. I don't even enjoy the day, the memories the for me I can't do it. I cant do this time of year and it shows when I listen to Christmas music or my friends are so excited for it and all I can do is barely function. So yeah I am not so happy around this time of year.

The short

I walk alone down a long winding road above a lake. Great pines line both side of me, to my right a cliff face straight up for hundreds of feet. To my left a drop of death falling into the rocky shore line. Mighty trees reach for the heavens like great spears thrown from under the earth, ones that which God had slowed down to mock the demons from below. Their weapons slowed to an inch crawl a year, left forever to spit and spew in anger at an all powerful almighty God.

Down the cliff, strewn among the rocks and the sandy beach, floating in the water, were hundreds of body's. The ones in the inky black surface were bloated and torn, skin split in a revolting explosion of flesh and fat. the body's washed on the shoreline were pecked with holes and ripped apart by seagulls. And The body's strung on the rocks hung low and pierced and broken apart. Great vile looking birds flew over head, circling ever circling. I still walk this cursed world. And they still circle me even though I care the light of Christ and God.

Squak!! I close me eyes in a desperate hope to block the image of the guts and dried blood on it's beak. I open my eyes as the road turns and there in the trees are corpses  fresh ones....he's so close I can feel the weight the darkness has again. A chilled wind sweeps down the narrow corridor, my bones freeze, it's defiantly him. As I walk I see more body hanging from the trees. They swing back and fourth, his captured souls. The road narrows and narrows until the body's are pushing in on my shoulders. I can't move forward nor back.

There is him, his black figure. He points and laughs. My heart falls off of the cliff, he is back but he has no power. Not anymore. Not with my true father with me. A prayer is all it takes to defeat him now. One fast word, His name spoke, the true name, "God" and the being vanishes in smoke.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


"Why? Why would some one do that?" A shriek from her throat. After hours of screaming thats all she could say. The only thing now was those few words from a huddled broken body on the floor, long white hair covering an oval face. Sobs and shrieks from her beaten and battered mind. Large black bruises covered her arms and neck her pale white skin shining in the moonlight. Her breath hung in the icy air.

Lighting blue eyes peered through the wispy strands. A raw fear permeated the air as her eyes flicked back and fourth staring at you.
"Why did you hurt me?" She shrieks at you yet again but a cold indifference fills your black soul. You can't help but feel sick at the site of this bloodied and beaten whore before you. Spitting on her your balled fist slams into her face again.

"WHY?!?!" She screams through bloody tears running from her eyes and nose. A sick twisted grin crosses your face. Licking your lips in anticipation of what's to come, the sweet relief of it. Taking a step forward, your foot breaks a branch laying on the pine needle covered ground.

She screams it at you again. Without hesitation you kick her in her ugly broken toothed mouth. She fell back her head hitting the tree behind her. She lay there coughing chest heavy and spasming from pain. She asks you the question again.

You finally decide to answer.
"Why? WHY?" A broken crackled laugh breaks from your crusted lips. "Cause your a witch! You have preformed black magic you evil she devil! You brought my family out of being Christians!" she screams as you began to slam your already bloodied fists into her cracking skull. The red poured fourth down her beautiful face.

You stand over her mutilated body and smile.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Many things go on. But what is to go on? Like really what is it to go on? Is it the urge to live life, to drudge forward, to just go and go. Or as Dori from Finding Nemo stats several times "Just keep swimming swimming swimming." Life is a mix of ups and downs low blows and high highs. You can never predict what is going to happen at any given moment and life loves playing tennis with us. But eh oh well.

Friday, November 2, 2012


So am writing in NaNoWriMo, I will not be able to post as often. But any one who views my blog, in school, or world wide. I suggest you do it for the fun of it.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Old man

Guy guys guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuys!! Hey you in the back! SHUT UP AND LISTEN! I HAVE BIG NEWS!!!! EEK! I just made the sound of a Justin Bieber fan girl would make.....haha dude this thing does not know how to write his last name that's funny. Anyways back to the news.

I am pumped for NaNoWriMo. Yes I am really really.....wait for it....really pumped!! YAAHOO! Lol dude this has been crazy but like today Mr.A said "I really like morally Ambiguous Characters." Now for me that sparked a short story. I will attempt to write it for you.

Skin tanned by the wind, the rustic red of a Native American so evident in this mighty mans face. His face is square  not much unlike a bulldogs, for his eyes hold a fierceness that is stunning to behold. When he looks gaze a normal man would get the heck out of dodge. His broad shoulders fill a traditional business suit. He continues to role them like he is agitated. He black leather clad feet scuff the ground. Toes going tip tap. Tip Tap. Tappty. Tappity. Tapping out a beat.

One, two pause, three four five, those last three in quick succession. Again and again. His head looks around the lightly furnished office. A few plaques stating that this man he was meeting was very important. He sat in a simple blue chair with no arms. A brown brief case sitting in his lap, his fingers tapping out a faster paced beat.

"Sir...what was your prior work experience?" a slightly fat man sat across from him. A thick wood desk between them.

"Ohh....military." His voice was gruff. He could not hide the scares on his neck.

"Which branch? If you don't mind me asking." A small chuckles out of the mans devilish face.

"Ohh... not official branch. Private contractor work. Heh. Heh." A dry croaking rasp for a laugh. "Served in several places. But I want to help kids now." He seemed to squirm for a second.

"Sir...I am not allowed to hire you people."

"Your people?"

"Contractors...not fit for this environment. Don't need people with your kind of scaring helping out on social cases. You know?"

"No I don't know!! I can't find a decent job without getting kicked to the curb every time! Have a pleasant day." He rose to his feet and calmly walked out of the room. Another job blown because of his past job. Back to standing outside of a bar in the Seattle rain dealing with addicts, wife beaters, drunks, and navy.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I cant wait for graduation. I cant wait to be done with school to get all of my current burdens off my shoulders and just move on in life. I already have a high paying job (Higher than minimum wage) which makes me enough money to live okayly. Dude like for real you ever have one of those weeks were it seems like your the new mental patient for Jigsaw? The guy from Saw? But instead of killing you he is messing with your head and seeing how much he can mess with you before you snap?

Yeah that's been me. I swear I am out for punishment.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Last ditch

His people had been wiped out. Their body's scattered across a thousand worlds, their home world burned and than the body parts still circle it in an every constant field. He had once command army's in the millions and dictated the lives of entire regions of space. Wars had swept entire sectors of space in his one sadistic rampages. He was King, he was God. 

The King was a monster in the term of his power if not constrained to a body or object would go rampant and create black holes from it's massive fluctuation or make a star go super nova. Which it did in the several hundred eons from when his mortal body had died and than the Guardian had breathed new life into him. Apparently in his long absence his energy had even began to create stars. Not just small ones but some that were much larger than Earth puny little runt of a star. His mind wandered as he figured out how to project himself across space but not let himself go rampant. He knew the system would be wiped out by his sheer presence. 

The forces at his command were churning in a swirling vortex of hatred and insanity. If you were sane you would turn and run from this cosmic being. This monstrosity that the galaxy had tried it's damned best to make sure it would never come back. But all it did was make him stronger. It angered him. It poked him and teased him. What was once an infant was now hell to be unleashed. 

It would take his entire surviving species to keep his power in check. It would take their combined strengths and knowledge to keep his world bending, star creating madness under control. 

"My people, begin." He sat in the middle. The white mask on his face. His body perfectly still. His breathing slowing ever and ever down. Slowly his heart slowed aswell. 

"My our power protect us." Their voices rose as one. 

"Thruum Ouhm Doulmmmmm" Those three words rose from three hundred. Their unifying tone began to form in a physical shell. For one crucial second the King's energy hung their unleashed. Lightning flashed out. Striking them. For dozens of light years they would notice the immense shifts of power across this one sector of space. Screams lit up their chamber. Tears were openly shed in pain. 

"DRUM ULOM! GULM!" Their force eventually brought him under control. With so much power they doubted themselves. How could they contain this beast. But they somehow managed to quell him and his energy's. 

Using his massive influence the King shaped a wormhole and moved through it to no more than ten thousand kilometers from Garris. 

Almost before he was through the wormhole the King began to grab Garris's missiles. Than picking up a dozen or so asteroids he flung them towards the ship. 

"I am here you upstart." 

The Hurun fleet watched as the Gamma Radiation came their way. Instead of sitting there, the fleet split apart to dodge it. The Vega yanked out of the way. 

The missile spam was now being countered due to the fact of having six fully functioning battleships. Their weapons were stopping close to sixty percent of missiles. Even though they were no separated by massive gulfs they still crossed referenced each other. The frigates were keeping tight to their respective battle groups. And far out front was the Sword group. Now eighty six light seconds apart the Sword battle group, with it's three battleships, the Meditative, the Valor, and the Vega continued forward. And than they dropped their missiles. The two fully working battleships spitting them out as fast as their machines could handle it. 

"Launch the MAC cannons!" The massive ships began to spit out their MAC rounds. 

"Rest of the fleet abort and flee!"


I remembered the pain of training. Of ten years of brutal and near death beatings, of being kidnapped from my family when I was four. How from day one I had been trained on how to kill and survive. How there had been a hundred of us all standing there. And year after year more and more of us were forced out. Due to medical, mental, or other reasons. That was until we reached 13. At thirteen we were then augmented. Our bones were plated with metal, a mix or Iron and Adationum, a lightweight but strong metal, this mix made it so our bones could handle a two hundred foot free fall with no cushion. But this in turn made us extremely heavy. So they added servos and little nanobots to our muscles and joints so we can move faster. 

So we could move faster. But then in theory they said our eyes couldn't track our speed so we had retinal enhancing chips which increased the speed our eyes could pick up things. But realizing our brains and ears could not keep up so we had wires implanted in our skulls. Well Nanowires one that moved information at thousands of times faster than a normal Hurun could. My brain became quite literally a Supercomputer on steroids. 

They called us the Tortured. And rightfully so. All of us were put through hell. All to end some bloody rebellion. And we did. And now five years after it’s end, after the conquest of System 1 I, only one, was being sent to some god forsaken world to lay siege to it.

Command bridge

The ships dropped down. Curving to slow the time until the missiles hit. The fleet slowed down to barely a crawl. 
“Okay bring up the Counter Jamming techs! I want a gravitonic sweep of the area to see if there is anything out there! Cross reference on light shadow time delay fields! Check for abnormal amount of radiation! If we Cross all three in front of each other that should bring it down by fifty percent.” Johnson prayed to his gods as he said this. 

“Sir the marks went down from one hundred thousand missiles to sixty eight thousand missiles. I bet if we had more time we could bring that down to forty five but oh well. Forty five seconds.”

Johnson nodded. 

“Have all anti Missile batteries brought up and open fire. Have a double spread. Neighboring ships are to fire across at as many missiles as possible.” as Johnson was saying that a shadow stepped forth. Standing six foot six, he was a giant for the Hurun. 

“Sir. I suggest you drop the gravity and just let the magnetic boots keep us oriented.” Johnson jumped.

“Ex-Eighty Five....nice to know your every present. But yes.” The fleet dropped it’s gravity and slowly took power away from less than necessary systems. 

“Okay, take out those missiles!” 

The fleet opened up with shots being launched from it’s insane amount of rail guns. Thousands of rounds were being put out to do their best to stop the overly large missile spam waves. 

In the battle at System 1 Hurun had lost one full battleship to a missile salvo. The ship had suffered damage that the Hurun did not expect it to take, but it dredged on. Now a similar situation but scaled up by hundreds. The ships using cross reference technology were able to score a fifty fifty rate of take down on missiles. But the ones that slipped in, like System 1 the first few dozen did nothing to the smaller ships, the much larger battle cruisers and up they shrugged them off. But the frigates and cruisers began to suffer heavy damage to their shields. After a few more several violent explosions could be seen on their surface. 

The larger ships continued to fight on. Their shields slowly draining. But after ten or so minutes of near continuous barrage of fire. And what seemed like it missile attack was waning, using their shadow to light difference checks, the gravatonic wave shifts and than simple light pings. They reached out and found the clusters of ships and began to race forward despite damage. 
OOC: Sorry for it being over a week or more. Life threw a few curve balls my way. But back.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Its back

I am running down a slanted hall way. Something is scratching the ground behind me. I can hear it's looped footsteps.It's breathing it excited. I pick up my pace. Somehow I have enough energy to run faster. I have been running for such a long time. But this thing wants to kill me. I can sense it's gaze on the back of my neck. The cold dark icy gaze, the hairs on my neck stand up again. I slowed down. I run again. My energy is low. I need help.

"Cameron, you late to play!!" That voice!! It has to be my inner child. That or a demon is haunting me. Noooo.......NOOOO....NNNNNNOOOOO!!! I panic I freak. I scream and cry and spin in circles. A thousand knives stab me from all directions. Fear grips my heart, something grabs it and squeezes. Tighter. Tighter. I feel it slowing. I am dying. I just thought of I thought he was gone! Is he? My tormentor. mind is drawing black. I know your gone....wait not back. I can feel you. Your out there waiting for something. Again. For the chance to try and take my life or my soul or my courage. You were after me for over a decade!! Was I not played with enough?! You made sure I could not sleep!!

"HA! Feel the fear HosKing." That same voice. Rocks scratching across rocks. But deep enough to make the earth shake. I scream.


Life has been so crazy. I have been rushed from one thing to the next with a set of nearly permanent handicaps. You see I am not a person who likes to sit around and do nothing. I need a challenge or...or...or... something!! I always rush forward I always look for some one to help. I hate being alone for more than a day or two at a time. I need something to drive me forward. I charge head first into things and now I have people telling me that I am their role model!! HAHA! Can you see that? A group of guys basing how they act and do stuff based on what I do?!?! AHHH!!

And every one says I am such a natural leader. Sure a strict one, a tough one who expects the best out of his other leaders, but they say a natural one. I have people within a week, barely knowing me making such statements as "I would trust my life to you." That scares me to no ends of this planet or universe!! I have people willing to put their lives in my hands! What am I supposed to do? GAH RAH! I...I...I...I am expected to lead and know what to do, on how to do things, what direction the group needs to take. Sure I am the ASB president, I have six years of general knowledge, I have been in positions from Secretary  to Presidents. I have been to two leadership camps, in the space of one summer, one was about PERSONAL and the other groups and servant leadership. I have been to four church camps, I have been a mentor/youthleader off and on for a year now.

I have experienced allot in life. More than most 17 year old guys ever should, no boy at 15 should have to step up and raise his two younger siblings. To lose hair and try to find a job, to hear his old man say "I am leaving because of you" But yet somehow I survived! I am hear still yelling, still starring down the world saying "BRING IT ON!!" I am only smarter and stronger because of this and the biggest thing in my life?! GOD! I would be nothing without the eternal love of God and Jesus Christ. I was going down dark paths and only reason I am alive, is God put some amazing people in my life and had them step in and make huge changes for me.

I was, by threat of kidnapping mind you, asked to go to youth group  So I went. I thought it was the biggest scam on the planet, such a hoax and lie. Than I met a few guys, and a few more, than I met the youth pastor. After a couple weeks, I started talking to the girls, or they me, I am still confused. And than I began to attend church. All to shut up my christian friends. But life changes slowly.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sorry was away

One moment in life
A shining example
One moment of greatness to define
The urge to protect to help
few hear it fewer follow it
Greatest moment one sentence two words
Defeats Depression


The walls close
darkness sets in
life sucked up like Jello through a straw
closing doors one persons life hangs in the balance
A light A light
A bright streaming light
bloodied hands reaching, grasping, calling out,
Defeated Lays Depression

Soaring Eagle 
God is Mad
Jumping bird
hate man

Freezing limps
thumps of feet
cracking of frost
glistens the sun off of icy dew
breath labored
winter is soon

Going going!
Picked up spun upside down
Face slammed
Icy waters 
What was that?!
Life never stops!

The blank slate
Many claim to see
fewer claim to write
one claims to hear.

To yearn is to be human
to want is to be human
to give is to be alien
to love is to be alien
to be human is to be.

Story part
System one
The Hurun navy would drop out of their time cortex in only a couple seconds or so. But what was on the other side was enough to make any sane being soil themselves. They would come out to a proverbial shit storm. They would find an ungodly amount of missiles in front of them, and a navy racing from behind them, and not just ungodly, but godly powers being used. 

Little did their Admiral know but he was going to go down in history as perhaps the craziest but bravest Hurun to live. His flame would ignite generations of soldiers and family. His name would be the spark of invasions that would echo across time, ones that would reverberate off every conceivable wall and person, one that would bring an equal mixture of fear and respect. He had always felt odd compared to other Huruns and little did he know that at his birth he had been marked by a priestess to be a messiah for the grieving and soldiers of the Hurun Empire. And here was how it was going to be shown and done.

The golden shell of the time cortex began to crack and disintegrate. But he held his fleet waiting. At a ear splitting horn the fleet sprain to life not too far from where the damaged battleship had been. The Vega though had enough engines to push forward. His fleet raced forward, the internal gravity's reaching twice that of earth. But in the haste three frigates had raced ahead by one thousandth of a second and got caught in the cortex’s unstable power. And nearly instantly they were torn to micro particles. But the rest of the fleet surged forth. 

Their sensors suddenly blared with contacts on both ends. Each side reading hundreds of missile pods and possible vectors for all of them. 

“SHIT!! Maintain course!! Ignore the Parth!” The Admiral had a carefully calculated plan. One that relied on each ship to pull its weight. What he did not count on was for the sensors to read that some sort of massive energy signature had been aimed at the dreadnought. It was... staggering for them to comprehend the amount of power in the sector of space now. 

And then to get readings such as
This is the Ascendancy Vessel Cerratus, escorting the Novanisatum. Warring forces, please be appraised that we have entered the area, and any attacks will be met with all due force. We merely wish to travel to the third planet of this system unmolested. That said, we are curious as to what provoked this conflict. Perhaps you have a tale to share with me to pass the time as your weapons blaze away?

“Send these vessels a detailed report of what happened and ask them for some sort of aide. Even if it is just medical!! We can not handle was will come in bodies!” The fleet sent a highly detailed list of what had happened, from the moment of the two Hurun battleships had entered system and begun their siege, how the planet had got caught in it, and now up to this mess of a war. For this was a war, one the Hurun would call the Sieging war. 

You could say the King’s response to Garris counter strike was odd. Well some would dodge and others would turn the strike around he accepted the blows. You could feel the cosmic quivers as the fabric of reality was shaken. But after a second or so the King was able to strike back. Unlike Garris his attack was unique in the aspect it was aimed at only one point, the tip of Garris. The tip of the ship. 

His attack was in essence a hundred points of dark energy that formed around the tip of Garris and expanded in Above Plane and Below Plane discs. But they would also have the thing of trapping a bit of his pods and destroying them. This was not going to be an easy battle.

The Holy Empire of Hurun was not genocidal as much as very violent isolationists. Their Empire preferred to be set off from the rest of the galaxy and when mankind crossed them they had responded out of fear. They had attacked and launched several attacks on the new comers. But it was not Genocide they were looking for, but the local planet had been caught in a fight and it's populations had been killed by accident. The Hurun let the Parth form their own ideas about them. 

Hurun's home world was still lush and rich after the many years of warfare. It's great forests still rose and in fact were growing now since the people no longer required them to use. It's eighty billion people had built several dozen space stations to orbit their home world. They did not expand in the sense of colonizing, they expanded to mine, to build, but to live most of their species lived around the home world in several dozen space stations. Which were a mixture of ship yards, civilians and military camps. They had built a strong self reliant nation. And as such, they did not like outsiders. 

And the Parth were the number one enemy to the Hurun. Their first meeting had been a bloody one with nearly a thousand dying on the Hurun side alone. Now after several years the Hurun were launching a full scale attack on the Parth. One at one of their military worlds. It was close to 8 light years away. Or two weeks of travel.

And the Hurun Emperor was waiting to meet with the Harkback. He was hoping to chisel out a basic format of a semi friendly existence with them, since the Parth seemed to soak up most of their forces. Even though they were spread across four systems, they preferred the safety of Hurun, and the Harkback would be the perfect fit allies.

Invasion part two

Hurun was by no means a young nation but it was not ancient either. As far as their archaeological sites could tell the species was only eight thousand years old. But yet the sites on their home world suggested than that a higher intelligence had once lived on the planet and elevated them. Something at one time had taken them from small pack hunters into smart hunter gatherers and than left. Hurun had experienced eight thousand years in a hectic strugglel against their planet and other species it appeared. 

If a ship was to enter Hurun system they would first off notice the amount of stations in system, and than second they would notice what would appear to be marks from Ion cannon use on the home world and its moons. The radiation levels would still be higher than what you would expect from a battle that had taken place thirty years prior. Which had forced the Hurun to build up their military, first they had practiced with just frigates, but after a small engagement and a fifty percent lose they introduced cruisers. A cruiser was a block of weapons. The frigates and cruiser force had worked well in patrolling space until another engagement had occurred and this time forty percent losses had happened. 

Thus the Hurun went larger and built the battle cruiser. This was a faster sleeker model of the cruiser class. It had slightly less big guns but the same shielding and the speed of a frigate. But yet again an unknown assailant attacked and this time ripped their fleet apart by only thirty one percent. The Hurun then went on a engineering breakout and desinged the massive 1 kilometer long battleship. A hell bent warship, it's mission was to wipe out entire planets by itself, a ship loaded with hundreds of missiles and hundreds of thousands of rounds for rail guns and five round of a two hundred ton MAC cannon. These ships were top of the line. They had held of three invasions by themselves. Two battleships, had held off dozens of invasions. TheVega andMeditative. The first two battleships. 

In the battle at System 1 the Vega had fallen prey to a hail of missiles, some near four hundred, and it's hull had been beaten beyond belief. Entire decks had been torn off it's mighty frame. But the ship and her captain had dredged on. Their weapons bringing down an enemy battle cruiser. And bringing their fleet on a run. The ship had inspired fear in their enemy and drawn blood. But they ship had been used in a last ditch effort to make sure the rest of the fleet was able to survive so they had rigged it's core to overload. 

Now five years later it's daughter ship TheVega's Vengeance was cruising through space using it's gravity manipulation engines. But unlike the Vega which was a battleship, the Vega's Vengeance was a dreadnought. A three kilometers giant. One loaded with four, 270 degree MAC cannons loaded with a 300 ton load out. With three times as many rail guns and missiles in the tens of thousands loaded in it's launching tubes. Able to hold three frigates in the cargo bays, which right now held eighty five thousand ground troops and tanks and helicopters. But the kicker. The ship held a massive Ion cannon. One that would rip apart at the sup-particle level.

The Hurun fleet's goal was to simply insert itself and drop off troops and create a casualty list in the thousands and than they would turn and leave. They knew their fleet was not enough to conquer the system, but with their dreadnought it was enough to punch a big enough hole in the defenses that they could come back on a later date and engage them again. This time with dozens of fleets. 

But here at nearly two solid weeks of transit. After passing through System one and gaining the cruisers, the sword fleet was going to strike back. They were sort one hour on there objective. They would come out, scan and than launch their assult. And heading up this ambistious endevor was the same captains from the first engagment. And their newly promoted Admiral Sire Josh, and he was known as the pit bull.
The Hurun fleet consisted of
1 Dreadnought class Battleship- Vega's Vengeance
3 Battleships- Mighty,Meditative,Nobel
6 Battle-cruisers- Spirit, Gods Hands, Empire, Metro, Saxon,Xan 
2 Cruiser - Grant, Samarium 
8 frigates- Sayian, Jujitsu, Last Stand, Sacrifice, Stetson, Jihad, Reach, Holy One

Part three

Two Weeks prior 

Groans filled the massive hangar. Soft thumps as fists hit on flesh. Whomp Whomp. Padded military boots hit the ground. The eighty five thousand Hurun soldiers trained. 

I watched as two troopers circled each other. One holding a combat rifle, the other stripped of his. They had been engaged in close quarters combat for about twenty minutes now, neither able to get the upper hand. The one with the rifle could not bring his gun to bear for each time he had the opponent had been on him before it was up and they would begin another bloody round. Suddenly the weaponless one struck forward with his left fist, grabbed the barrel of the gun, slammed it down and brought his right fist square in the jaw of his opponent. You could hear the crack of his hand on the jaw. Than they were grappling. The now disarmed one was able to get a leg lock on his enemy and begin to pull down. His enemy tapped out. 

I nodded to myself, my army was being well trained, yet again. They were going to be engaged in nearly round about training. One in urban, jungle, desert, and insurgency warfare. But instead of how to combat it, but how to fight in those conditions. They were being taught on how to build entire arments from scraps, how to each rebuild tanks and anything else they could use. 

It wasn't that they had not been trained. They had been trained for two whole years to be a well round army and fighting force. But training entire platoons was hard, so they decided to go for mass teachings so as many could pick it up. They needed all the help they could get, why you might ask? They know the Parth ground forces would be hard felt fighters. One’s who would know how to engage an enemy. And as such they had over trained this round of troopers. 

As I watched this our God Emperor was giving a speech to our troops. His coming out of his holy castle led our troops to a frantic yells. Feet stomping. Cheers that echoed off the walls of the ships and in the bases spread across the Empire. 

“Men of Hurun, I have spoken and have come to a realization! For years our Empire has been besieged by an unknown enemy! One that has killed millions of us! Now After the bloody war of System 1 I have realized, the Parthian were the creators of such attacks!” The men went wild. Weapons were thrown. Body armour slammed around. A noise like this would piss off the hordes of hell to no end. 

“And now we have located an advanced planet containing their Navy! And I, on the behalf of the people, beseech you to end our bloody twenty year war!” The men’s voices were ragged after this. 

One week left
“Admiral Sire Josh, How can we get through their defenses? You and I know this small of a fleet can punch through them.” I could not help but ask. I knew our data was at least eight months old and I did not want to send my men into a death trap. 

“We can’t defeat their defenses. But our job... We are going to punch a hole straight through their defenses. Carve a bloody chunk out of them and let it fester. We are going to drop off eighty five thousand, pissed off, xenophobic, religious Zealots, armed to the teeth on the planets surface with one directive. Give Them Hell. I don’t know about you but that’s the best we have until all the fleets can assemble. We need to do a siege on this system for now. Drain them, bleed them. Engage them on our terms. Keep their people on the defense. Once we have that...... tides will turn.” 

Two days before the start of the Sieging War’s 

A virtual reality machine was hooked up to all them men. They had been, multiply times already, pitted against simulations of their enemies. This would be their last one before they entered system and got down to the real nitty gritty. I had watched these men change from trained killers, to wanting to kill. All the difference in the universe. 

Zero Hour 

The fleet just slide into system. Their energies weren't massive, they weren't all LOOK AT US!! No they slide in like lithe predators. Silently. They scanned the system and quickly came up with a list of ships. 

The Dreadnoughts computers quickly sorted them out, the orbital forts, and anything else of note. They even detected a few of the Missile Pods. 


“All online, bring Ion Cannon to life. We are massively outnumbered sir.”

“I am arrear of this. How long until the Cannon is able to be used?”

“Four minutes. Right now we are on the extreme edge of the system sir.”

“Have the fleet form into formation 23. Dreadnought front and center. Close missile tubes. Have all decks put on fire watch and fire teams. We will take losses, have med bay’s stand by.” The ships formed into a rough box. And they put the dreadnought dead center. The three battleships forming three of the forward corners. And the rest of the fleet filling in staggering steps so as to provide maximum anti-Missile fire. 
“Have all dumb rounds loaded. I want kinetics to be fired first to absorb their fire and weaken their defenses. But hold for two minutes. Behind that have them line up the Nuclear missiles, and then finally the Singularities.”

“Glad we made the adjustments so the Sing is aimed forward for a hundred meters sir.” 

“Same here. Also have Rail guns loaded and prepped. Same as the MAC cannons.” 

“Done sir.”

“Bring fleet forward at 1/4 speed of light.”

“ETA, ten minutes sir.” 


Part four 

"Sir they have some drones following us. They appear to be attempts at stealth tech."

"Fire a few dumb rounds at them. Don't deplete our sources." 

The Dreadnought chucked a few small rounds out, the missiles being guided by the fleet's joined computers. They were all two ton rocks and since they were kinetic they would continue going until they hit something. And right now they were on the way to the drones. 

"Sir Ion Cannon is up and ready. Also Missiles are at 90% maximum range. Within bounds to attack." A cruel smile spread over Sire Josh's face. His console had just beeped telling him that the enemy had sent a message. Quickly he turned on a small vidcord on his console and looked it in the face. 
Hello, Parth. I hope you remember this face of mine.
He sent the message. No viruses attached. Just a video. As readouts crossed his display it showed that their sensors were blind in almost every aspect. 

"Captain, deploy anti-jamming tech. And release our own. Make sure it interrupts communications with their dreadnoughts and those missile pods." The Captain of the Vega's Vengeance nodded and they released one of dozens of possible Jamming techs they had. But for now they only used it. 

"Okay, have the Ion Cannon hit their foremost battle fort. Launch two kinetic rounds as well. Than bring fleet up to half speed of light." The massive dreadnought visibly shook from the firing from the Ion Cannon. A visible white rod of light shot forward, a swirling energy hell bent are tearing through shields and matter like it was a rabid wolf infected with hate. The two kinetic rounds raced across space to slam into the massive shielding of the very same fort. 

Sire Josh was always amazed by the acceleration of Hurun ships, some how they could be faster than any other ship they had met so far. And here was a fleet of warships going half the speed of light. In formation. He was honored to be their Admiral.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Word count

 words to date


Echos of time eternal
Life's greatest moments captured in a flash
Times forever marches forward
we are to be forgotten
Only outlines for a generation
Only the greatest of life is saved
Only the chosen few live on to be heroes or evil
The puppet master laughs cruelly in his domain
Dance puppets
Dance stupid puppets
Do as he says
Jump puppets jump


Retched is life
Life is Retched
Life is upside down
Upside down is life
Right is left
Left is right
Life is right
Right is Life
Metal clicks as slide back
Clang of the hammer
Cries of the women in the night
The wails of the sirens of the police


Infections spreads across the desolation of the nation
Lies of the cheaters of prayers spread across the desolation of the sickness
Peoples truths are worse than their lies
Hearts clammier for closure among the rending, twisting, world
Metal grinds like sand across thine ears
What is life?
What is it? Am I crazy? Or are we all?
Dancing swilling
I fly high amoungset the clouds
I swoop and dive like the majestic eagle
I ride the air

A heart

This is from a torn heart
one ripped asunder
stabbed angry
bruised by others
battered and
beaten with rocks
broken into shards
infected with pain
poisoned with hate 
prodded with hate
played with by uncaring ones
toyed with
burnt by friend and family
inflamed with Christ
and one just in pieces


Another twist in this black and grey collider. Little flashes of light from the failing power units. I keep walking, with nothing better to do. I know every inch of these walls and floors...or is it floors and walls and ceilings? ha I am going mad. I know every inch. Theres the little scratch that I gave it with my finger.... how long ago? Ten years? A hundred? Or a year? Ha I don’t care. I am kept alive. I am not allowed to die. No matter the time. 

Creak!! Ohh I love the sound of an asteroid scratching the outer shell of this massive station. it a station or a satellite? I know it’s big, it takes me twenty thousand steps to follow the main collider from end to end. And then close to fifty thousand maybe more to walk around it’s two rings. I know that theres two because well...duh two rings?! Hello how do you not know your home? Hmm...I wonder how big this place is? Hmm oh well. Its big. 

Suddenly I experience intense pains in my stomach. Hunger. I have not eaten in a long time. i try to see how long I can go without eating. I think I once went 24 sleep cycles without eating. Then I collapsed and woke up with a full stomach. Something wants me alive. 

Hey look the blood stains from all those people I killed. Wait...I looked around and saw the blood all over the place. Splattered on walls and ceilings and floors. Or is it the other way around? Haha I don’t care nor know. I stop and look at the bones of my...enemies? Lovers? Or both? Ground nearly into dust. I see what looks like a femur supporting a human skull on a wall. A hint of flesh still clinging to it. 

Wait... they were recent? Hmmm....time is messed up. Ohh well. I begin to skip and then I come to a port window. Deciding to look out I see dozens of ships floating in space. They seem to be slowly twisting around and being formed into what this place needs. I forgot that was what this thing was. It was a massive dock. Well shipyard. But it was destroying thousands of ships. It must be tearing them apart and then putting their supplies away. hehe. I live in a giant killer. I kill? Hehe... 

Hey that looks like a few ships!!! Cool!!! I wonder what they are up to? Hmmm...lets see!!