Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Last ditch

His people had been wiped out. Their body's scattered across a thousand worlds, their home world burned and than the body parts still circle it in an every constant field. He had once command army's in the millions and dictated the lives of entire regions of space. Wars had swept entire sectors of space in his one sadistic rampages. He was King, he was God. 

The King was a monster in the term of his power if not constrained to a body or object would go rampant and create black holes from it's massive fluctuation or make a star go super nova. Which it did in the several hundred eons from when his mortal body had died and than the Guardian had breathed new life into him. Apparently in his long absence his energy had even began to create stars. Not just small ones but some that were much larger than Earth puny little runt of a star. His mind wandered as he figured out how to project himself across space but not let himself go rampant. He knew the system would be wiped out by his sheer presence. 

The forces at his command were churning in a swirling vortex of hatred and insanity. If you were sane you would turn and run from this cosmic being. This monstrosity that the galaxy had tried it's damned best to make sure it would never come back. But all it did was make him stronger. It angered him. It poked him and teased him. What was once an infant was now hell to be unleashed. 

It would take his entire surviving species to keep his power in check. It would take their combined strengths and knowledge to keep his world bending, star creating madness under control. 

"My people, begin." He sat in the middle. The white mask on his face. His body perfectly still. His breathing slowing ever and ever down. Slowly his heart slowed aswell. 

"My our power protect us." Their voices rose as one. 

"Thruum Ouhm Doulmmmmm" Those three words rose from three hundred. Their unifying tone began to form in a physical shell. For one crucial second the King's energy hung their unleashed. Lightning flashed out. Striking them. For dozens of light years they would notice the immense shifts of power across this one sector of space. Screams lit up their chamber. Tears were openly shed in pain. 

"DRUM ULOM! GULM!" Their force eventually brought him under control. With so much power they doubted themselves. How could they contain this beast. But they somehow managed to quell him and his energy's. 

Using his massive influence the King shaped a wormhole and moved through it to no more than ten thousand kilometers from Garris. 

Almost before he was through the wormhole the King began to grab Garris's missiles. Than picking up a dozen or so asteroids he flung them towards the ship. 

"I am here you upstart." 

The Hurun fleet watched as the Gamma Radiation came their way. Instead of sitting there, the fleet split apart to dodge it. The Vega yanked out of the way. 

The missile spam was now being countered due to the fact of having six fully functioning battleships. Their weapons were stopping close to sixty percent of missiles. Even though they were no separated by massive gulfs they still crossed referenced each other. The frigates were keeping tight to their respective battle groups. And far out front was the Sword group. Now eighty six light seconds apart the Sword battle group, with it's three battleships, the Meditative, the Valor, and the Vega continued forward. And than they dropped their missiles. The two fully working battleships spitting them out as fast as their machines could handle it. 

"Launch the MAC cannons!" The massive ships began to spit out their MAC rounds. 

"Rest of the fleet abort and flee!"

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