Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I remembered the pain of training. Of ten years of brutal and near death beatings, of being kidnapped from my family when I was four. How from day one I had been trained on how to kill and survive. How there had been a hundred of us all standing there. And year after year more and more of us were forced out. Due to medical, mental, or other reasons. That was until we reached 13. At thirteen we were then augmented. Our bones were plated with metal, a mix or Iron and Adationum, a lightweight but strong metal, this mix made it so our bones could handle a two hundred foot free fall with no cushion. But this in turn made us extremely heavy. So they added servos and little nanobots to our muscles and joints so we can move faster. 

So we could move faster. But then in theory they said our eyes couldn't track our speed so we had retinal enhancing chips which increased the speed our eyes could pick up things. But realizing our brains and ears could not keep up so we had wires implanted in our skulls. Well Nanowires one that moved information at thousands of times faster than a normal Hurun could. My brain became quite literally a Supercomputer on steroids. 

They called us the Tortured. And rightfully so. All of us were put through hell. All to end some bloody rebellion. And we did. And now five years after it’s end, after the conquest of System 1 I, only one, was being sent to some god forsaken world to lay siege to it.

Command bridge

The ships dropped down. Curving to slow the time until the missiles hit. The fleet slowed down to barely a crawl. 
“Okay bring up the Counter Jamming techs! I want a gravitonic sweep of the area to see if there is anything out there! Cross reference on light shadow time delay fields! Check for abnormal amount of radiation! If we Cross all three in front of each other that should bring it down by fifty percent.” Johnson prayed to his gods as he said this. 

“Sir the marks went down from one hundred thousand missiles to sixty eight thousand missiles. I bet if we had more time we could bring that down to forty five but oh well. Forty five seconds.”

Johnson nodded. 

“Have all anti Missile batteries brought up and open fire. Have a double spread. Neighboring ships are to fire across at as many missiles as possible.” as Johnson was saying that a shadow stepped forth. Standing six foot six, he was a giant for the Hurun. 

“Sir. I suggest you drop the gravity and just let the magnetic boots keep us oriented.” Johnson jumped.

“Ex-Eighty Five....nice to know your every present. But yes.” The fleet dropped it’s gravity and slowly took power away from less than necessary systems. 

“Okay, take out those missiles!” 

The fleet opened up with shots being launched from it’s insane amount of rail guns. Thousands of rounds were being put out to do their best to stop the overly large missile spam waves. 

In the battle at System 1 Hurun had lost one full battleship to a missile salvo. The ship had suffered damage that the Hurun did not expect it to take, but it dredged on. Now a similar situation but scaled up by hundreds. The ships using cross reference technology were able to score a fifty fifty rate of take down on missiles. But the ones that slipped in, like System 1 the first few dozen did nothing to the smaller ships, the much larger battle cruisers and up they shrugged them off. But the frigates and cruisers began to suffer heavy damage to their shields. After a few more several violent explosions could be seen on their surface. 

The larger ships continued to fight on. Their shields slowly draining. But after ten or so minutes of near continuous barrage of fire. And what seemed like it missile attack was waning, using their shadow to light difference checks, the gravatonic wave shifts and than simple light pings. They reached out and found the clusters of ships and began to race forward despite damage. 
OOC: Sorry for it being over a week or more. Life threw a few curve balls my way. But back.

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