Sunday, December 16, 2012

Okay rant on some major sort of BS to me

I sit on the curb everyday and I watch hundred pass me by. I sit with my hand open and stomach hallow. I am a disease, a ugliness on the gross misused under belly of society. I beg and plead I ask for a dollar, a quarter  a dime, a nickle, a pennie? No? Fine Fine. I will sit here starving. A veteran who has lost his arm in a war!

Now that I have you attention, what happened to america? What happened to my homeland? The greatest most powerful country in the worlds history? Where have my, our, your, freedoms gone!? I live in a country on the verge of losing her sovereignty! We are now filled with the weak and coward, when at one time we turned out the greatest and best. We have fallen ill to a great sickness in our country, one that has been seeping into our way of life for far to long! Because of this sickness, this disease, this cancerous tumor, we have fallen into a debt that nears 17 trillion, the highest tax in in our history, a weakend military and the poorest economy since the Great Depression. We live in a time of social progress but also the time of the Great rescission, (AKA grow up if you believed this was a rescission, if it was one we would have been out of it within a year, not still going on.) Millions have lost there jobs and this is the worst job market in just under a hundred years. And now we are looking at a time when over sixty percent of the population did not vote in a presidential election, we are sick and this sickness, America's true enemy, Apathy!

We live in a society filled "I don't cares!" Some one dies, and it's "I don't care." A man is robbed on the street corner and it's "I don't care!" We near a mark of 17 trillion dollars in debt and soon to have two added on every year and it's  "I! Dont! Care!" I say wake up america! Wake up to your cup of coffee and realize that we as a country will shut down if that debt does not turn around soon and we began to pay it off! We need more of people who will stand on that soap box, more dreamers, thinkers and fighters to rise ot their podium and shout "WE ARE TIRED OF NOT CARING!" I need the artist the speakers and movers and the motivators to rise again and shout into the air with me "I AM DONE NOT CARING!" Apathy needs to die and with it needs to die the sense that all will be right, for not all is right, all is wrong. Now is the time for people like MLK Jr, JFK, FDR, Ronald Regan, and their like to rise again and to wrestle this country from the jaws of death and to rise!

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