Sunday, December 16, 2012

The short

I walk alone down a long winding road above a lake. Great pines line both side of me, to my right a cliff face straight up for hundreds of feet. To my left a drop of death falling into the rocky shore line. Mighty trees reach for the heavens like great spears thrown from under the earth, ones that which God had slowed down to mock the demons from below. Their weapons slowed to an inch crawl a year, left forever to spit and spew in anger at an all powerful almighty God.

Down the cliff, strewn among the rocks and the sandy beach, floating in the water, were hundreds of body's. The ones in the inky black surface were bloated and torn, skin split in a revolting explosion of flesh and fat. the body's washed on the shoreline were pecked with holes and ripped apart by seagulls. And The body's strung on the rocks hung low and pierced and broken apart. Great vile looking birds flew over head, circling ever circling. I still walk this cursed world. And they still circle me even though I care the light of Christ and God.

Squak!! I close me eyes in a desperate hope to block the image of the guts and dried blood on it's beak. I open my eyes as the road turns and there in the trees are corpses  fresh ones....he's so close I can feel the weight the darkness has again. A chilled wind sweeps down the narrow corridor, my bones freeze, it's defiantly him. As I walk I see more body hanging from the trees. They swing back and fourth, his captured souls. The road narrows and narrows until the body's are pushing in on my shoulders. I can't move forward nor back.

There is him, his black figure. He points and laughs. My heart falls off of the cliff, he is back but he has no power. Not anymore. Not with my true father with me. A prayer is all it takes to defeat him now. One fast word, His name spoke, the true name, "God" and the being vanishes in smoke.

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