Monday, October 29, 2012

The Old man

Guy guys guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuys!! Hey you in the back! SHUT UP AND LISTEN! I HAVE BIG NEWS!!!! EEK! I just made the sound of a Justin Bieber fan girl would make.....haha dude this thing does not know how to write his last name that's funny. Anyways back to the news.

I am pumped for NaNoWriMo. Yes I am really really.....wait for it....really pumped!! YAAHOO! Lol dude this has been crazy but like today Mr.A said "I really like morally Ambiguous Characters." Now for me that sparked a short story. I will attempt to write it for you.

Skin tanned by the wind, the rustic red of a Native American so evident in this mighty mans face. His face is square  not much unlike a bulldogs, for his eyes hold a fierceness that is stunning to behold. When he looks gaze a normal man would get the heck out of dodge. His broad shoulders fill a traditional business suit. He continues to role them like he is agitated. He black leather clad feet scuff the ground. Toes going tip tap. Tip Tap. Tappty. Tappity. Tapping out a beat.

One, two pause, three four five, those last three in quick succession. Again and again. His head looks around the lightly furnished office. A few plaques stating that this man he was meeting was very important. He sat in a simple blue chair with no arms. A brown brief case sitting in his lap, his fingers tapping out a faster paced beat.

"Sir...what was your prior work experience?" a slightly fat man sat across from him. A thick wood desk between them.

"Ohh....military." His voice was gruff. He could not hide the scares on his neck.

"Which branch? If you don't mind me asking." A small chuckles out of the mans devilish face.

"Ohh... not official branch. Private contractor work. Heh. Heh." A dry croaking rasp for a laugh. "Served in several places. But I want to help kids now." He seemed to squirm for a second.

"Sir...I am not allowed to hire you people."

"Your people?"

"Contractors...not fit for this environment. Don't need people with your kind of scaring helping out on social cases. You know?"

"No I don't know!! I can't find a decent job without getting kicked to the curb every time! Have a pleasant day." He rose to his feet and calmly walked out of the room. Another job blown because of his past job. Back to standing outside of a bar in the Seattle rain dealing with addicts, wife beaters, drunks, and navy.

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