Sunday, October 28, 2012


I cant wait for graduation. I cant wait to be done with school to get all of my current burdens off my shoulders and just move on in life. I already have a high paying job (Higher than minimum wage) which makes me enough money to live okayly. Dude like for real you ever have one of those weeks were it seems like your the new mental patient for Jigsaw? The guy from Saw? But instead of killing you he is messing with your head and seeing how much he can mess with you before you snap?

Yeah that's been me. I swear I am out for punishment.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you title this "LOL" as if you are still laughing at your troubles even through a tough week. I also love your last line. "I swear I am out for punishment." You have a very distinctive voice in your writing! Nice job! (And I hope this week is better for you!)
