Monday, September 24, 2012

Part of story 3

[b]System 1[/b]

The stage was set for a massive confrontation. The Hurun versus the Parth Star Navy, a mighty and worthy adversary of the Hurun and then the Mighty Living Ship himself, Garris had decided to enter and screw over the Hurun battle tactics. And the Hurun did not take that lightly.

In all forms of reality they had conquered this system, yes by force, but they had conquered it, and the Parth had come in and threatened them. And now Garris, whose real beef was with the Controllers, not the Hurun was taking it out on them like a ten year old child. And all the Hurun battleships knew was that this ship had been at their homeworld not a mere ten minutes before and now was sixteen light years away from it and in their new system and firing on them.

The captain of the whole battleship had his ship calmy adjusted it’s vector. But a strain was pulled on the ship. Apparently the dreadnought was using Gravitonics from several light minutes away. A feat that made him chuckle. It wasn't that the battleship was immune to it, just that it slowed it down at this point in time by .01% of it’s speed. It’s several thousands of tons moved nearly effortlessly across space. The massive engines and computer diverting power from weapons to it’s drive core.

And then the ship jerked. Now the dreadnought was deciding to try and force them off course. The crew looked around in surprised and shook trying to figure out was going on. The captain stayed calm and continued with the charge. Now delayed a whole forty five seconds. A massive time in a battle. But from this distance he knew that the Parth had nearly depleted their missile pods and hopefully their ships were getting low taking on the first ship.

He ordered the firing of all missiles, which at a light minute and forty five seconds would take slightly over two minutes to reach the Parth, but still he ordered it nonetheless. The ship shuddered as it’s sixteen forward tubes were loaded and fired at breakneck paces. But power now had to be diverted from the shields to keep the engines running at full max and be able to fire the railguns in case missiles would come across him. Salvo after salvo of missile poured forth. Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen, until nearly three hundred were racing across space. And in one finally got it fired it’s singularity missiles. These double missiles raced forward, their speeds putting them in a way to allow the other missiles to absorb the Parth anti-missile system and then hopefully a handful would tear through to do their damage.

The damaged ship continued forward. It’s twelve rail guns firing as much as they could. The crew trying desperately to get the shields up. Thankfully the ship a dual ion shields system and the generators were on the inside of the ship but the emitters had been on the outside. Close to five dozen had been on it’s outside now only twenty were registering with the onboard computer. Which thankfully for the Hurun had been placed in the dead center of the ship, in the command room. So most of it’s main systems had been able to survive the massive onslaught of missile spam.

Hurun technicians pulled cords from the faulty generator that had blown completely, but ones that could work and were trying to fuse them into a crude battle mend so the ship could regain it’s shields, if only for a minute or so, and let it press on, otherwise they would be forced to turn and run due to the sheer amounts of damage.

“Come on....come on!!” The tech mumbled, sweat pouring off his scalp. His hands lost control as he flipped the manual switch and suddenly a small hum gathered. Abit small. But it was enough for him to scream in joy. Grabbing his collar cuff he told the Engineers to direct three percent more power to shields. He waited and then a simple two beeps, meaning yes. And then the shields burst to life. Well shield, only one layer he had to remind himself. His other techs grabbed computers and sat down to help keep the shields operating at safe levels. But they would be unevenly spread across the ship. But now they could engage the Parth more directly as the energy weapons descended on them.

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