Sunday, September 23, 2012

Part of story 2

[b]System 1[/b]

The second battle ship had spent this time collecting data. It had filed away millions of points of battle data in case of future engagements and had determined one thing, the Parth were a worthy enemy of the Hurun, and thus it moved to battle.

It glowed white. The massive engines pouring out power and then it seemed like the ships bent in for a second and then rammed forward. It’s course was set on passing right before the Parth navy. And well the Parth had to remain in formation, the Hurun did not. The Hurun could fight with two ships against a full navy and deal considerate damage far above two battleships should do. In all essence the Hurun Battleships would be dreadnoughts to other nations with the sheer power each one held, they struck a careful balance between defending and offensive capabilities.

Hurun had given the battleships hundreds of missiles for far off fights but then enough kinetic rounds for a tussle under fifty thousand kilometers, but also missile tracing abilities to stop incoming fire, and then even jamming tech, but it’s surprising thing was it’s engines were a full two scale large for this ship. Hurun was relaying on enemies to be surprised that one ship could sustain a six week boardbombment of a planet and then even a twelve hour heavy engagement. It’s shielding was to be able to withstand eighty seven missile direct hits or three MAC rounds point blank range.

A Hurun battleship was a fleet in and of itself. But two would be enough to make a mark.

The first charging battleship’s captain received thousands of reports of incoming missiles. He stared at it with a cold determination. His battleship would be glorified in Hurun legends as a hero, his men as demons to their enemies. A cold smile curved on his face, twin fangs on his lips. And he sent that image to the Parth. His grey skin standing out on a white screen, piercing green eyes, sharply slanted ears, a black Captains cap on his head, and two pure white fangs.

His ship suddenly exploded in railgun firing out in huge arcs. The ship suddenly spun, yellow lights flared out as it’s systems were stressed to the max to stop as much incoming fire as possible. He knew his ship might stop two hundred, maybe three hundred, but everything after that would nearly decimate his ship. It kept it’s charge at full speed.

Six missiles slammed into it’s bow shields, massive tidal wave forces tore into the front cabins and missile pods. The ship began to shake violently as it’s guns fell silent and all extra power was diverted to shields. Great white lights flashed across as dozens detonated at once. But the shields held. A dozen more and the shields held. The ship was visibly being shoved around due to the forces. And then they fell. And maybe a hundred were left to thrash the beast.

It’s great metal plating was slammed hard on the right side. An entire section of the ship was torn off by a dozen missiles. The gravitational forces killing dozens. The Captain kept the ship moving forward. It’s bow was torn off by another few. Than the missiles stopped. And half a battleship was left hanging there. But it continued forward. Venting bodys and molten parts it continued. It’s main computer system coming back online. One dozen Rail Guns opened up to try and bring down one more ship.

[b] Hurun System [/b]

The Hurun main navy now aware of the battle going on in System one mobilized the five battleships that had sat there guarding Garris. Along with nine frigates. A large enough navy to stop a counter attack and help gather the dead bodys.

[b] The Children [/b]

My king was certainly mad. There was no doubt, all three hundred of us knew this, but we followed him. And I was his observer and advisor. And as such when he decided to dance across the stars it was my duty to bring him back.

“Ohh King. My Liege.”

“Yes Hilgson?”

“How about you come back? Cause....” Suddenly I become of something else besides Garris, our new enemy ship with a temper issue. This thing seemed slightly childish in ways...but I have tasted it before. It’s scent filled my nostrils and I was growing inflamed. I felt my anger rising.

“Liege please return and find your center.” I felt our lord return. His body swayed and and then he walked to his room.

I then turned to this.... new thing and focused myself on it. I was not nearly as powerful or wise in our ways of power. But I was enough to meet this thing. I would appear as a simple light. I knew no other way to show myself. But my true form was not to be there.

“Hello there. Watching the fun?”

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