Sunday, September 30, 2012

Word count

 words to date


Echos of time eternal
Life's greatest moments captured in a flash
Times forever marches forward
we are to be forgotten
Only outlines for a generation
Only the greatest of life is saved
Only the chosen few live on to be heroes or evil
The puppet master laughs cruelly in his domain
Dance puppets
Dance stupid puppets
Do as he says
Jump puppets jump


Retched is life
Life is Retched
Life is upside down
Upside down is life
Right is left
Left is right
Life is right
Right is Life
Metal clicks as slide back
Clang of the hammer
Cries of the women in the night
The wails of the sirens of the police


Infections spreads across the desolation of the nation
Lies of the cheaters of prayers spread across the desolation of the sickness
Peoples truths are worse than their lies
Hearts clammier for closure among the rending, twisting, world
Metal grinds like sand across thine ears
What is life?
What is it? Am I crazy? Or are we all?
Dancing swilling
I fly high amoungset the clouds
I swoop and dive like the majestic eagle
I ride the air

A heart

This is from a torn heart
one ripped asunder
stabbed angry
bruised by others
battered and
beaten with rocks
broken into shards
infected with pain
poisoned with hate 
prodded with hate
played with by uncaring ones
toyed with
burnt by friend and family
inflamed with Christ
and one just in pieces


Another twist in this black and grey collider. Little flashes of light from the failing power units. I keep walking, with nothing better to do. I know every inch of these walls and floors...or is it floors and walls and ceilings? ha I am going mad. I know every inch. Theres the little scratch that I gave it with my finger.... how long ago? Ten years? A hundred? Or a year? Ha I don’t care. I am kept alive. I am not allowed to die. No matter the time. 

Creak!! Ohh I love the sound of an asteroid scratching the outer shell of this massive station. it a station or a satellite? I know it’s big, it takes me twenty thousand steps to follow the main collider from end to end. And then close to fifty thousand maybe more to walk around it’s two rings. I know that theres two because well...duh two rings?! Hello how do you not know your home? Hmm...I wonder how big this place is? Hmm oh well. Its big. 

Suddenly I experience intense pains in my stomach. Hunger. I have not eaten in a long time. i try to see how long I can go without eating. I think I once went 24 sleep cycles without eating. Then I collapsed and woke up with a full stomach. Something wants me alive. 

Hey look the blood stains from all those people I killed. Wait...I looked around and saw the blood all over the place. Splattered on walls and ceilings and floors. Or is it the other way around? Haha I don’t care nor know. I stop and look at the bones of my...enemies? Lovers? Or both? Ground nearly into dust. I see what looks like a femur supporting a human skull on a wall. A hint of flesh still clinging to it. 

Wait... they were recent? Hmmm....time is messed up. Ohh well. I begin to skip and then I come to a port window. Deciding to look out I see dozens of ships floating in space. They seem to be slowly twisting around and being formed into what this place needs. I forgot that was what this thing was. It was a massive dock. Well shipyard. But it was destroying thousands of ships. It must be tearing them apart and then putting their supplies away. hehe. I live in a giant killer. I kill? Hehe... 

Hey that looks like a few ships!!! Cool!!! I wonder what they are up to? Hmmm...lets see!!

Part of a story

[b] Slip Time [/b]

How do I do this? Thought the admiral as he sat with his hand on face. Eyes reading the last read out... he had been blind for five minutes now. Five dead minutes as they moved supplies across the fleet. His eyes tracked the stability of the time cortex bubble. It stretched across half a million kilometers of space. His six fully functioning battleships held a six pointed star formation at the moment, and the Vega had been turned into a ship bomb. Or to the best of a five minute crew that had rigged the reactor to overheat and not dump.

The four minute beacon went off. His eyes flashed for a second. His frigates slide into place. Their massive anti missile systems on full view. They were waiting now.

“How do I beat that ship?” They already had readings that the dreadnought was powerful beyond belief and if it hit them dead on his fleet would be wiped out by half. But if they got in close his fleet could do considerable damage.

“Sir... could we do a charge?” The admiral shook his head.
“The frigates would be left behind. They are too light to accelerate fast enough. The battleships masses would carry them into combat radius within two minutes, well the frigates would take three minutes. We need this fleet whole.”

His plan was going to be simple. They would accelerate in a ball like fashion, constantly rotating, until they were under three hundred thousand kilometers and then just dump missile spam until one hundred fifty thousand kilometers, and then their rail guns would turn onto the dreadnought and fire all they had. At ten thousand kilometers they fleet would turn and make a run for the jump well in the system leaving the Vega on a collision course with the dreadnought, than at one thousand kilometers, if it was still in view, it’s core would overload and have a small star form pretty much, causing an area of twenty thousand kilometers to explode.

In retrospect it was highly complicated. But it had to work, other wise they were toast.

[b] The Controller [/b]

I was still trying my best on how to show myself to this thing, but I guess my star like shape was enough. I watched as the Hurun just used their ultimate weapon and was stunned by how tight knit they were. But then the thing replied to me.

“This local species laid claim to this system, the swarm of overly large ships with the nine much smaller ones, but they did it violently, decimating the planet in the process, and that other fleet fleeing, come across them and...well a battle insured, and now that dreadnought has come and it upsetting the delicate balance of this area. I am sure you can feel what is tieing around this system?” I could feel a power forming, how the universe's was collecting at this point. Time was forever going to be changed, be it good or bad, and it was going to come down to the nest few hours, or minutes.

[b] Hurun System [/b]

He awakened. He had not really been drained. Just tired and needed to close his eyes. Apparently a few minutes was enough. The King flung his presence out to System One to scan it and was surprised to find Garris attacking the Huruns.... wait what?!

Suddenly his wrath exploded. Power stemmed from the Hurun home system. If you did not catch the traces of Magic, Chaos, and Time being bent, you had to have been blind. With a roar across space and time, he launched a wave of pure energy, a mixture of gravity, magnetics, and hate straight at Garris. The tidal wave was large enough that it could throw the massive ship around. He sensed the smaller ships keeping track of the battle and decided to launch assaults on them, this one with the powers of Chaos on them. His blood spilt from his mouth as his body was stretched thin. His mind left his body and directed it’s full malice on Garris.


Friday, September 28, 2012


A light shines through the veild darkness
A beating heart
A torn sleeve
The cry's of the divorced
Tears shed
Bent from time
Only seventeen
Beaten back by time

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Hectic. That is all I have to say about my life. I am flung from one scenario to the next. I am so confused about life and who and what I am. There was a period when I was damned near certain who and what I was. I was always certain. As certain as the sun would rise the next day and the moon would rise at night and the planets moved. But as more and more turmoil entered by my life I became less and less certain. I slowly drifted away from my old core values.

I grew angry at myself and the world. I drifted from respect to hate. I slowly became more and more aggressive about anything. I went from avoiding conflicts to looking for it. I was fed up with people and their bullshit. I wanted war. I craved the feeling of adrenaline from getting people worked up and forcing them into a position of fighting.

I was sick of it. I feel into deep depressions. The longest bout lasting eight months and I on the verge of self harm. I would panic and hurl words at people I did not mean but it got them away. But one day a crashing realization happened. I was forced to grow up. My father decided to leave. I could not afford these things any longer. I tried to grow up but I didn't. I only grew worse. I was fast becoming the person you did not talk to.

I was going along fast on the track of just...yeah. And here comes CJ McCuan. And he grabs me and gives me a face full of reality and I dealt the cards. I realize yes my life sucks but hey you can live through it.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Stressed. Sick. Always facing some new challenge. I am expected to be the best all the time, and not only act it, but be it. Always go for the gold. Always to be first. Always the strongest and smartest. Always to lead. Why lead? Why me? What do I have as a leader, as a person, as a friend, that makes me soooooo special?

Someone that others follow within a matter of days? Why is it people will tell me that they would trust their lives to me? I have done many many wrongs. I am violent fit to bouts of rage and self harming and harming others. I am mentally sick with voices in my head, like real voices, all of them tearing me apart. I am inclined to deep depressions and hard addictions but yet people follow me knowing these facts!! I am told to be the best of a person. I stand on a throne ready to burn it when ever I fancy. When this game I play with all these people is up. When my playthings grow old. Wait...stop.... bad side of me comes out when upset. I let the mad side write. Not right for school. Can't could be in trouble for what it says and wants me to do.

On the outside I am all, smiles and hi and wass ups??!?! And I high five people I go through life and I am cheerful and happy and being the perfect...PERFECT POLITICIAN!!! I am never upset, never hurt, never on the verge of tears from fighting on battle after the other in a sea of wars and mental blood and angst!! One where if I stop to breath and think I get attacked! my defenses were down. Can't let them in for a second, they are wolves they will tear me apart. So I panic I freak. I begin to close down. Not tell my friends whats going on. On the inside I am violent. OHHHHHH soooo violent. I will gladly punch a wall as some ones face.  I have enjoyed fights, I enjoy seeing how much power my mind and body have when focused on one thing.

I am me. I am a politician. I am twisted. I Am. I AM. I aM. I.....I...I........I...I...I.....I...AM WHAT?!?! ANSWER!!!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Part of story 3

[b]System 1[/b]

The stage was set for a massive confrontation. The Hurun versus the Parth Star Navy, a mighty and worthy adversary of the Hurun and then the Mighty Living Ship himself, Garris had decided to enter and screw over the Hurun battle tactics. And the Hurun did not take that lightly.

In all forms of reality they had conquered this system, yes by force, but they had conquered it, and the Parth had come in and threatened them. And now Garris, whose real beef was with the Controllers, not the Hurun was taking it out on them like a ten year old child. And all the Hurun battleships knew was that this ship had been at their homeworld not a mere ten minutes before and now was sixteen light years away from it and in their new system and firing on them.

The captain of the whole battleship had his ship calmy adjusted it’s vector. But a strain was pulled on the ship. Apparently the dreadnought was using Gravitonics from several light minutes away. A feat that made him chuckle. It wasn't that the battleship was immune to it, just that it slowed it down at this point in time by .01% of it’s speed. It’s several thousands of tons moved nearly effortlessly across space. The massive engines and computer diverting power from weapons to it’s drive core.

And then the ship jerked. Now the dreadnought was deciding to try and force them off course. The crew looked around in surprised and shook trying to figure out was going on. The captain stayed calm and continued with the charge. Now delayed a whole forty five seconds. A massive time in a battle. But from this distance he knew that the Parth had nearly depleted their missile pods and hopefully their ships were getting low taking on the first ship.

He ordered the firing of all missiles, which at a light minute and forty five seconds would take slightly over two minutes to reach the Parth, but still he ordered it nonetheless. The ship shuddered as it’s sixteen forward tubes were loaded and fired at breakneck paces. But power now had to be diverted from the shields to keep the engines running at full max and be able to fire the railguns in case missiles would come across him. Salvo after salvo of missile poured forth. Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen, until nearly three hundred were racing across space. And in one finally got it fired it’s singularity missiles. These double missiles raced forward, their speeds putting them in a way to allow the other missiles to absorb the Parth anti-missile system and then hopefully a handful would tear through to do their damage.

The damaged ship continued forward. It’s twelve rail guns firing as much as they could. The crew trying desperately to get the shields up. Thankfully the ship a dual ion shields system and the generators were on the inside of the ship but the emitters had been on the outside. Close to five dozen had been on it’s outside now only twenty were registering with the onboard computer. Which thankfully for the Hurun had been placed in the dead center of the ship, in the command room. So most of it’s main systems had been able to survive the massive onslaught of missile spam.

Hurun technicians pulled cords from the faulty generator that had blown completely, but ones that could work and were trying to fuse them into a crude battle mend so the ship could regain it’s shields, if only for a minute or so, and let it press on, otherwise they would be forced to turn and run due to the sheer amounts of damage.

“Come on....come on!!” The tech mumbled, sweat pouring off his scalp. His hands lost control as he flipped the manual switch and suddenly a small hum gathered. Abit small. But it was enough for him to scream in joy. Grabbing his collar cuff he told the Engineers to direct three percent more power to shields. He waited and then a simple two beeps, meaning yes. And then the shields burst to life. Well shield, only one layer he had to remind himself. His other techs grabbed computers and sat down to help keep the shields operating at safe levels. But they would be unevenly spread across the ship. But now they could engage the Parth more directly as the energy weapons descended on them.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Part of story 2

[b]System 1[/b]

The second battle ship had spent this time collecting data. It had filed away millions of points of battle data in case of future engagements and had determined one thing, the Parth were a worthy enemy of the Hurun, and thus it moved to battle.

It glowed white. The massive engines pouring out power and then it seemed like the ships bent in for a second and then rammed forward. It’s course was set on passing right before the Parth navy. And well the Parth had to remain in formation, the Hurun did not. The Hurun could fight with two ships against a full navy and deal considerate damage far above two battleships should do. In all essence the Hurun Battleships would be dreadnoughts to other nations with the sheer power each one held, they struck a careful balance between defending and offensive capabilities.

Hurun had given the battleships hundreds of missiles for far off fights but then enough kinetic rounds for a tussle under fifty thousand kilometers, but also missile tracing abilities to stop incoming fire, and then even jamming tech, but it’s surprising thing was it’s engines were a full two scale large for this ship. Hurun was relaying on enemies to be surprised that one ship could sustain a six week boardbombment of a planet and then even a twelve hour heavy engagement. It’s shielding was to be able to withstand eighty seven missile direct hits or three MAC rounds point blank range.

A Hurun battleship was a fleet in and of itself. But two would be enough to make a mark.

The first charging battleship’s captain received thousands of reports of incoming missiles. He stared at it with a cold determination. His battleship would be glorified in Hurun legends as a hero, his men as demons to their enemies. A cold smile curved on his face, twin fangs on his lips. And he sent that image to the Parth. His grey skin standing out on a white screen, piercing green eyes, sharply slanted ears, a black Captains cap on his head, and two pure white fangs.

His ship suddenly exploded in railgun firing out in huge arcs. The ship suddenly spun, yellow lights flared out as it’s systems were stressed to the max to stop as much incoming fire as possible. He knew his ship might stop two hundred, maybe three hundred, but everything after that would nearly decimate his ship. It kept it’s charge at full speed.

Six missiles slammed into it’s bow shields, massive tidal wave forces tore into the front cabins and missile pods. The ship began to shake violently as it’s guns fell silent and all extra power was diverted to shields. Great white lights flashed across as dozens detonated at once. But the shields held. A dozen more and the shields held. The ship was visibly being shoved around due to the forces. And then they fell. And maybe a hundred were left to thrash the beast.

It’s great metal plating was slammed hard on the right side. An entire section of the ship was torn off by a dozen missiles. The gravitational forces killing dozens. The Captain kept the ship moving forward. It’s bow was torn off by another few. Than the missiles stopped. And half a battleship was left hanging there. But it continued forward. Venting bodys and molten parts it continued. It’s main computer system coming back online. One dozen Rail Guns opened up to try and bring down one more ship.

[b] Hurun System [/b]

The Hurun main navy now aware of the battle going on in System one mobilized the five battleships that had sat there guarding Garris. Along with nine frigates. A large enough navy to stop a counter attack and help gather the dead bodys.

[b] The Children [/b]

My king was certainly mad. There was no doubt, all three hundred of us knew this, but we followed him. And I was his observer and advisor. And as such when he decided to dance across the stars it was my duty to bring him back.

“Ohh King. My Liege.”

“Yes Hilgson?”

“How about you come back? Cause....” Suddenly I become of something else besides Garris, our new enemy ship with a temper issue. This thing seemed slightly childish in ways...but I have tasted it before. It’s scent filled my nostrils and I was growing inflamed. I felt my anger rising.

“Liege please return and find your center.” I felt our lord return. His body swayed and and then he walked to his room.

I then turned to this.... new thing and focused myself on it. I was not nearly as powerful or wise in our ways of power. But I was enough to meet this thing. I would appear as a simple light. I knew no other way to show myself. But my true form was not to be there.

“Hello there. Watching the fun?”

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Part of my Summer

I sit awake. Mind running through my summer.

I have been transformed. Remade. And than beaten down more times than I count. It's as if every year something decides I need to this things thing over hear but to do it I must suffer a bit.

Take for instance my leadership camp, EFL, one of the most prestigious and well honored leadership camps in America. I get chosen from our school, they easy could have picked Isaac, Nick, Nick M, or any other junior guy but nooo they pick me!! Cameron HosKing. 

So I send in this five minute essay and I end up getting accepted. I am scared slash nervous. Why? Because no one I know will be there. I go up to Seattle Washington. Once there I have to find my room than I go to were my meeting is. Great. Than I learn it's an Economics for Leaders camp. Hence. EFL. So I sit through a boring lecture and than comes in this bean pole thin man. Black skinned, in his late fifty's early sixty's. And from that moment he leads us on several unique and different challenges. I learn this knot one and we go one and one. Linwood Paul, now he has a different last name but Paul is the name he choose after becoming a Christian.

About mid way through the week, he, this girl name Tyler, and I are sitting eating lunch and talking. She tells us her story. Now I won't repeat it because I promised not to tell. But than Linwood turns to me and asks me what do I want to talk about. So I sit there and say.

"I feel like others have picked me to be the leader but I don't want to be."

To which he replays.

"Have they put you on the spot? Have you failed? Have you failed them?" I shake my head and say.

"Not most of the time. Only when I truly am not able to handle it." Dumbfounded I sit there thinking. Where is this crafty man going to go? 

He than laughs and smiles and says bull. Give him the real reason.

"I am frustrated and mad I can never do enough or do my best." He than proceeds to make some observations that he has had about me.

"You notice peoples ticks, their weird things, you noticed me making marks on my napkin well Tyler did not. You always are trying to out think everything, and when you can't it excites you, you get this grin, this almost happy look and you just do it. Your not letting others lead, nooo, oh no, your the big man. You always looking out for others, but there aint never enough going on to keep the big fish busy. Wait...homie.... you ever feel like your not challenged?"
I nod and say yes.

"Get a bigger bowl." He replays. I tilt my head.

"When you mad do other people, like whole school avoid you, but yet still want to be around you?" I nod.

"Get a bigger bowl."

We clean up and him and I chat. Me trying to grasp the idea of a bigger bowl. We had some how gotten seperated from Tyler in the process. Well walking I look over my shoulder to see if she is there. He smiles and laughs.

"Cameron, your one of the most compassionate kids I have ever seen. Even though you know she is okay, you looked back for her, to see if she is okay. You always want or need more stuff to do. Your bred to help other. Even if it drives you nuts! Man I aint kidding you, your one of this real observant types aswell. Never once have you backed down from a true challenge in your life. Here is the same thing. See you around cat."

He swaggers off. Probably replaying that whole thing in his head with a song.

Later one I near destroy my right knee being stupid. But I forge on. We do several more things and I push on. Tears running down my face from the pain in my kneecap. Each step is an explosion of icy hot shards of glass rolling around in my right knee. But I go on.

Later on we do a walk of life, we have to follow it, a simple rope, one hand on it at all times, but if it comes off. We end. And did I forget to tell you. All of us, 34 people, are blindfolded. And I have an handicap. My right knee is toast. Oh and one more thing. This thing is through the friggen woods. Like imagine the black woods from harry potter. Yeah those woods. With thorns and bugs and tree knots sticking out of the ground.

And I do it. I charge head first. I go barreling along until SMACK! I come head first into a tree trunk. I slow down and let my hands guide me as I feel a bit of blood slowly edge it's way across my skull. I keep going until suddenly I feel branches everywhere. I keep going. I can hear others snapping about, silently swearing under their breath. But no I, I stay silent. I breath. I stay calm. But I get mad, mad enough I get into a slow jog and I smack into fist sized branches and ignore them! I break a few. I feel them snap as my head forces it's way through them. A freight train on it's rails.

I keep going never stopping until the little rope in my hand transforms into a silken smooth texture. I know I am near the end. Needless to say I finished. I am bloodied and battered and beaten. But I finished.

Two days before the end we are all standing and talking and he says any thing that has come to mind. I stan there unaware as some other form of thought posseses me to stand fourth and raise me hand. I say outloud in  a manner unknown to me.

"My depression is back, the dark terrible thoughts of death and killing myself haunt me."

Linwood looks at me and laughs. I grow angry at his callousness. He says
"Boy that aint you. You don't give up. Twice this week you have asked me how to get crutches, and twice I told you hospital but you would have to go home. And twice, twice you denied it. That aint depression. You can barely walk so what do you do? You had people carry your sorry ass everywhere. I say you go head first five times, five times into branches, even big boy over there avoided them like the plague. But not you. You charged head first, head first, through those suckers and broke em." I chuckled. I think I have changed.

"Tell us what your going to do?" I look him in the eyes step fourth like something is compelling me to. I turn and promise.

"I promise never to give up. Be it physical, mental or spirituality, I promise to prevail, and to be there for my friends and family and to never give up. Be it school, work, life, or love. I promise to you guys as a new family and to my God, that I will last, but I will ask for help when I need it for I can not do all things, but I can do all things through Christ and my friends!" At which I almost collapse from pain and my friend Dale reaches out and grabs me and puts me on the ground.

"Maybe that knee of yours there cat, was the universes or Gods way of making you ask for help homles." I smile and laugh with Linwood. He and I just made that Human Connection.

Friday, September 21, 2012


"Hehe!! Cameron play!!" A shrill like tone reach's my ears. I am confused. What is this? Giggles reach my ear.

Again I take off! My feet fly in a blur. I run. Faster. Mountains fly by. I stop to think and again the growls come. The breath comes down my neck. I feel moister run down my neck and wet saliva drips on me. I shake from fear.

"Cameron run! RUN!!!" The tone wakes me. I frighten. Adrenaline kicks in, my veins turn fiery and my mind races. I take off like a pig set free from a pen. I flee. my breath becomes ragged. Soon I am at the door again. It's multitude of locks blocking me from opening it. I hear the breathing down the hallway. I scream in fear.

Late at night rambles of a Gent.

I sit on my computer. The heat from our wood burning heating thingy making me sweat. But I wonder. Why do I write so late at night? Why must it always be around 11 or midnight or by golly 1 AM in the morn?! I have often thought this, as great mind will do, with a hot cocoa in my hands, with three tiny, perfectly white marshmallows in it. Steaming warming my hands. But I digress tooo far into the wandering mind. Or do I go far enough? Does that inner child of mine play enough? Do I let him out often enough to ramble and have fun. To take my imagination on rides of fancy? Where I am in English speaking gent? 

I often wonder, why do we shut up this child? This ohh so much fun little piece of energy! By golly I often wonder why? I often do in them middle of a speech of a dreadfuul speech by a booorrring teacher find my mind running wild. On a hunt, suddenly, inexplicably, for a dragon with a thousand teeth hoarding a great treasure!! But when I find this dragon I am suddenly and violently forced back to reality like an Eminem song! I have to sit back down and pow there goes gravity. Ohh golly sounds like the rapper in me wants out to rhyme and make merry jokes asunder like some uneducated fool! But I wont let him out...or will the child make him come play cause the English gent is no longer  fun?

Ohh child wants me to stay!! It's fun living with multiply voices! Opps I hear giiiiiiggggllliiiingg! Sally fourth!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Bite of a story (meant for the 18th)

System 1
he two battleships turned. Cold. There was no transmission as the fleet entered system. Nothing to indicate they had just committed Genocide. Their massive one kilometer long hulls gleamed in the light of the star. They sat there and received the message with an indifference as the threat came across space on a wide array communication network. 

The two ships spoke back and forth on a tight beam communication hub. It was discovered by the scanners that the best way to combat this new foe was to jam their communications and unleash a computer virus on their systems and hopefully take out one of their battleships. 
A short burst was sent back. One that would ring through history. 

The closer battleship launched a series of short range missiles to test this fleets combat. In one of them was the singularity generator missile. All the missiles were aimed at the closer enemy battleship. The Huruns second battleship launched a series of probes that would jam all known ranged of communications short or telepathy and tight beam coms. And then it launched a virus that if they intercepted it would infect their shielding and drain it’s engines. 

It was not super advanced but advanced enough that if they opened it, that it would take all but ten thousand cycles to do it’s job. 

Astral Realm

Garris... I don’t know who would walk away in better shape though? You or I? I... kind of want to find out. But I can’t for now. You see.... my plans could take a dozen years or a hundred. Really Garris, if you want to intervene. I can wait you out or... as you say the last Argument of Kings. 

The King was making it clear at this point. It was his or the highway. He began to focus the fabric of reality around Garris in both realms. And he made it obvious. He was beginning to bend space and time to ignore Garris, so that if he sustained severe enough injuries it would try to reject him by any means possible. It wasn't super complicated and if Garris caught on he might be able to stop it. 

Hurun System
Gih stared at Garris. His eye’s shook. The whites seemed to pop out of his black cores. But then he heard the veiled threat. The one of secrets Gih had yet to see. A threat he could do more than it seemed. 

Gih’s breathing became frantic. His eyes darted around. His body shook in violent jerking motions. 
“Go! Leave my people!! Garris, you are not welcome here!!” Gih was almost losing it. He took a step back. But his guards did not make a motion to stop him or do anything. Infact their eyes were glazed over. Their mouths hung open as they began to chant slowly. A throoms rose in the air. Blood began to drip out of their mouth. 

They were being possessed before Garris. Their eyes seemed to grow. Larger. And larger. Until they were the size of an Oreo and then POP!! Their pink fluid burst forth as power seemed to flood into them. Blood ran fourth from their eyes. Their ears snapped audibly. A loud crack sounded and then their heads twisted as such, the two on the left to the left, and the two on the right to the right. Hanging at odd angles four voices spoke, but yet they sounded the same.

“Garris...We see the future of our relationship.” 

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Inner Mind Part one

The twisting hallways ever growing and changing. Each step is an eon as it grows before me and decides to split left and right. One is brightly light the other dark and slimy looking. One speaks of warmth and happiness the other of fear and anger. My head snaps left to right. I hear a giggle. A joke passed from an old friend.

I take the dark one. Squish Squish. My feet stick in the ooze. I struggle to continue down this darker and more twisting path. But I know a richness lays at it's end. One that will allow me to see what I have become.

Suddenly heavy breathing descends upon my neck. It's warm and moist. My hair stands on end. I imagine a beast with huge snarling fangs and I take off. My fleet now slapping against the floor. My shoes fly off in my frenzy. I turn and suddenly a door is before. I hear giggles.