Thursday, January 3, 2013

This is just sick

What is American? Better yet is to ask what is freedom? This ideal and way of life that has for generations defines and declared what and who we are. Freedom is the ability to speak out against your government without fear of retaliation, to practice your religion without fear of retribution, to live our lives in a safe way! We in America have enjoyed these freedoms, these ideals and ways of life for long before any one of this lifetime has been alive. 

Just think for a second my friends, family, brothers, fellow Christians, we have been free for neigh over 200 years. Over 200 years, can you believe what has happened to us in 200 years? The revolution, fighting the single greatest Empire the world over and winning, winning against a nation that had not known defeat for a hundred years. Then turning around an less than forty years later getting into another war with them, the war of 1812, lucky to survive again. Our capital was burned to the ground, we are lucky to even be alive. 

Give a few years, 1861, the start of our bloodiest period in history, for four year we tore ourselves asunder  with blood and hate, over 400K-500K, think about that, look at that number, we lost that many soldiers and civilians on both sides all together. Give us a the next quarter of a century for warfare with the natives in the manifest period. 

Than comes ww1, we only lose 104k troops. Than comes our finest hour, our shout to the world, our statement as a people and a nation-state, World War 2. Okay so I went on a tangent line, but I can say this with all honestly my friends. 

I love this country, I do not, under any pretenses like this government. I believe it is time for a mental revolution, one were we stand and tell the world and our government, that this is a nation for the people BY THE PEOPLE! 

A simple fact forgotten by our current era, this is a sad time to be an American, the world over hates us, we have inflected pain and suffering the world over, but maybe...just maybe we have stopped some to. I like to think that. I like to think, that with a vote of enough people we can change this government, that with some simple education that we can change it. 

I know we can change this direction of our country, we just need to say so. The reason I write this? I watched today as the house, AKA the Senate, set back a bill to help people recovering from Hurricane Sandy, 66 days later and people are still without water, help, power, and the US federal government twiddles it's thumbs. By Reps and Dem's alike. This is sickening to me and I hope to you.

Today I hear that the US is going through and giving the guns and planes to Egypt and it's leaders, the Islamist brotherhood. These known terrorist's have said time and time again, that they would wipe us out and Israel! Yet we are giving them 20 F-16's, one of the most advanced multi-role fighter's in the world, it has one combat lose in it's twenty year flight record, one out of three hundred air to air engagements. Yep we are totally doing that, signed by the president. 

Another awesome thing, okay this one pisses me off, excuse my tone, but our fantastic leader who many claim is sent from God, or even the Anti-Christ, has talked about giving our rights to own guns, firearms,ballistic weapons, whatever the hell you want to call them. To the UN, yes the United Nations. Want to know a cool fact? The definition of a nation, is "Self governing with out influence of control from an outside entity or nation." Sounds like that's going out the window. 

Yep, Cameron HosKing here, aspiring who knows what, teenager in high school, ASB President, ranting against the President, hope I don't end of like General Schwarzkopf. Dead. Yeah I said it, I honestly wonder if it is even safe anymore to criticize my own  leader.  Night.

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