Sunday, January 6, 2013

The blonde

It just stood there. Black. Tall as a giant. It's arms thick as tree trunks. Slow breath that made the air around him move. His sword look like a pin needle when compared to this beast. It's dull grey eyes were locked onto him. Every step this oh so tiny man took the beast followed with eyes and head. 

It's great breaths were creating a wall of steam which was quickly forming fog. 

"Human...what do you want?" 

"I need to protect my people."

"So why did you try to kill me with that puny little blade of grass?" It's voice created a small earth quake, with stones and stick bouncing along the ground. The trees rustling in fear of this mighty being. Though it voice cause this earthquake it spoke with a tone as if reprehending a child. 


"Wake up sweetie pie." 

His vision swam as some blonde bombshell with clothes too tight stared at him. Bright red lipstick made her full lips stand out that much more. 

"Hun, tell me why you did it?" 

"If I tell you he...he will be back." A cold seductive smile crossed her face. She leaned in, her wavy locks brushing his face. Meeting eye to eye a shiver passed down his spin.
"Hun...I would never let him hurt you again." Her purring voice almost sickened him. But as he didn't open his mouth to speak she kissed him and he began to slip out of mind again. 

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