Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mid-Year Review

So I was tasked by my teacher, shout out to you, to review my writing and my thoughts on this. At the start of the year I held an open mind, not due to writing but due to three years of school leadership, well six technically but I digress into useless details, and was "okay lets try writing." So I was told to not plan my writing and not think, yet again with Mister A. And I have fun, I write everyday...for a time and then the holidays start coming and I begin to miss days. After three days I fall off the horse after four weeks of writings nearly 500 words a day. Easily. My novel goes great!! I write well over the thousand and whatever amount I need to get it done on time. Then...I hit this very real very hard physical roadblock. It's called my inner child, my writer, ran off. I just sat there for two weeks...not able to write a word for anything. Nothing I could do...and than with three days left in nanowrimo, at 27,000 some words I began writing in a fever. And since then I can now write again.

Now at the start of the year I hated I mean H.A.T.E.D poetry. I hated writing it and I hated writing it. Why? It was for me a flower lame way of writing. But I did not understand it's little nuances and dances. Within a week...I loved writing and reading poetry. I saw the ways words rose and fell. How one long line in the middle of a short ones can changes it's feelings. How repeating sounds or syllables can make a poem sound happy or mad. I can sit down and write poems with no problems.

Now I think I have grown as a writer and done my best to write every day. And I will always try to write each and everyday. I hope to have at least the ten poems published and my novel in the next year.

1 comment:

  1. I like your honesty, and I especially like your description of how you now see poetry.
