Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Thinking of unthinkable

The Hurun would continue their lives thinking they are their own masters. With their little church, their navy, their army, their economy. Those midgets would continue their lives as they have since they created them. Since I created them. Since I willed their stupid pathetic maggot species into being. Since I turned on the machines and made an ass ugly species to try and spread across the galaxy. 

I had given them larger than normal brains with a synopsis rate of 4:2, that meant for every thing learned their little brains stored it twice. For every ounce of fighting, studying, anything their pathetic species did they remembered in their DNA. Every single moment in their species history for them is remembered in a shared hive mind. But they were even aware of it. They could not precieve they had been strung together with a greater plan in mind. One that their god, something I laugh at, had set in motion close to ten thousand years ago. 

A plan which now was so set in stone that if I was killed by some multiverse war it would go on. It eternal cogs set in their sure pace. It was such a simple plan it could not fail. Well almost. I have to laugh at this galaxy now it had grown complacent at the pace at which things went and who was in power. So set in it's way this galaxy was almost tired and worn, so sure it was no protecting itself any more. No longer did it safe guard against up-spurs. No alliances or ties to hold these quadrants together. I mean...why would they? The old bogey men are gone. Many of them dead. And now...I have risen from the grave. 

They call me the Controller, their all knowing all powerful God. They claim I have the power to wipe out the universe. Which is true. But only like once. I am no God, if I was their worshiping would make me a thousand times more powerful. But it was also a secret blessing not to be a god of theirs or any other species, for then my power would be dependent on their worshiping me. No as a ethereal entity I am limited in what I can preform at one moment, I can affect certain moments in time, I can at my uppermost powers bind living souls to me. A normal thing for me is to sway gravity or create a system. I am allowed in the multiverse enough power to tamper around in it's fabrics and see how time can play out over ideals and theology's. I have become a scholar of the multiverse...and I am small in allot of it. But with careful planning and strategy I can play with the big boys. 

I am the King of a reborn race and I will make this galaxy sway.

The High Priest swayed in a drug induced stupor. His bone plates glowing an unearthly hue in the candles around him. His mind and body all but gone from him as his mind raced on the idea of expanding Hurun. To him owning three system, one with two truly safe planets, the other in the process of being colonized was not enough to him. Not by a long shot. Hurun were the Controllers chosen people after all. Their religion said so.

His eye's snapped open. His pupils dilate in one deep breath, the predator instinct high in him. They darted around the room taking in the deep rich purples with gold lace pillows he sat upon. The waves of flames on the candle sticks. The intricate designs of flowers on the walls calmed him down. As they always did. 

His hand grabbed the paintbrush by his side, it's wide tip stroke black along his bone plates. Grabbing the other one on his left side, he painted his two fangs real fast black as well. His hands deftly outlined his eyes and did the rising tip. He rose his long green robes providing sharp contrast to his now mostly black face. 

His private room, the inner sanctum, was only his to enter. And only his to leave. And now after talking to the Controller he had new orders for his people. 

A week passed on Hurun and gathered in the military room of the central complex were Huruns highest generals and Admirals. Which sounds impressive but when you realize there's only seven people gathered in the room it became a sobering reality. Hurun's military was on par if not slightly above some of the older nations but they weren't nearly brash or stupid enough to incite a war against an empire or federation more then eight million people larger than there. Hurun did pride it self on holding discipline to the highest degree in it's ranks and under near two hundred years of warfare with pirates had helped shape their military into decent mixes which right now made them feel comfortable in their ideals. 

But before they can go forward with their ideals they had been reviewing if Hurun's industry could hold up to an unexpected replacement of goods and damaged property. Under their own laws once the Empire assimilated a culture and it's peoples they would have to repair any damage done in the process. And after three days of review, with all of Huruns State and Private owned industry's, they had concluded they could maintain a war with a neighboring country for six years without fear of having to ration any goods. And be able to provide the soldiers and navy with all they needed plus some extra. 

"High Priest, the navy will take three battleships from the main fleet, I would prefer to have the dreadnought but with it currently providing protection on the edge of the quad I understand. But any ways, the fleet will consist of three battleships, six corvettes, two missile cruisers and five gun boats," Vice-Admiral Ju used a small laser pointer to select the ships. "Now the fleet, or fleet Alpha will attack the System known as Iliam. With what our scouts say, the planet has a minimal of defenses in orbit. Now it's fleet of three frigates will provide a small challenge due to their speed. We might lose a few good men. Now the battle on the ground will be different. And WMD's will not be used. That include's KEW's or PEW's."

The High Priest nodded. His mind could see this rival nation falling in a few months. 

"Now High Priest, we expect this war to last four to eight months. Depending on how much of a fight they put up on the ground. Our navy will trump theirs no doubt. But the ground forces are, naturally, on more level ground." Ju just nodded as he finished plans. 

"Yes High Priest, this nation is known to go for the burning earth method when they are losing a ground campaign, which was what bogged down the first and last attempt at expansion. But this time with a steady supply of ships coming through system we wont need to use their resources well on planet. And unlike the last general who pussyfooted around and did not fully engage them, I will use the Hail Fire Strategy our army is suited for and take ground fast and descivily." The war was planned and set in motion. All it would take is two weeks of moving supplys, men, and gear into place to wage it. 

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