Monday, January 7, 2013

The Ancient

The Controller is what he shall be called from this point fourth in our history. He shall no longer have a name nor be called the King or God. His all mighty control is known all over but few speak of his holiness in all his grandeur and power. He is create and taker, father and mother, brother and sister, friend and enemy. He created us, the chosen Hurun, and will destroy us when he sees fit. His power is insurmountably powerful. All hail the Controller.
-Prophet Muhemend the third from the line of Kahlead.

These lines have been read a thousand and a half times in the temples dedicated to this eternal beings ever present people. The Hurun a relatively unknown species of the galaxy. But for near three thousand years they have worshiped this creator god. This seemingly all knowing all powerful god. and his followers were Zealots each and every one of them, which had driven out a once thriving democracy for a religious cult to lead their great and ever oh so mighty Empire of Hurun. And for nearly three hundred year know, ever since a plague which had nearly wiped out half of my species, which they had cultivated and the Church of the One had grown to be the only church or religion left on the planet. And then they instituted a state run church which really lead the state.

Now this all fun and games until about thirty year into their lead my species as a whole did about six thousand years of evolution in brains terms, like went from using horse and carriage to fucking space ships. And now my research leads me to believe maybe..just maybe this controller might be real. For the single reason as this, for close to three thousand year this church was small, containing at it's old height only eighty thousand members and my species using the horse and carriage, you know bayonets and gunpowder, (basic) and than a plague rolls out and wipes out half of our global population and than makes one half of them infertile.

Then a cure is 'discovered' and suddenly, ten years really, and the species had quadrupedal in size. From one billion to four billion.... a sizable jump by any species measure. And then twenty years after that, our species has the technology to travel the stars, a space ship nearly seven kilometers long, a space station measuring in circumference twenty five kilometers and weapons...oh lord the weapons.

The weapons became so strong as to wipe out an entire species in an expansion phase. One that got us involved in a bloody war which came to a draw just because of the Hurun's space navy unwillingness to back down and use of near suicidal tactics. Wow. Is all I have to say.
-The Ramblings of a Mad-Man

System one
The massive dreadnought drifted over the planet. It's course slow and set. Making maybe their millionth pass through this system. The first and last planet taken by the Empire in war. The watcher seemed to move along like some king of the plains, sure and set in it's power. And rightfully earned, the ship was nearly ten kilo's long and one wide. And many claimed it was far to large, but the empire could justify it by the fact it could stop an entire fleet by itself. What with it's single half million ton MAC cannon which with four on either side, (Have to dive in a weird description) Fast Firing Auto Magnetic cannons which fired missiles at 1/100 the speed of light which held a magnetic lock onto their enemy's and carried a 65 mega ton nuclear warhead. Which could fire at the rate of one hundred a minute. It's massive flat face for the front of the ship, with massive Duresteal armor plates on it's sides, which housed six banks of eighteen Laser Cannons and sixty four missile tubes.

It's overly larger engines pushed it through space like a hot knife through melted butter. Each with an output strong enough to use as a power source individually for the ship. But with three of them, they could turn each one up to max power to propel the ship into near light speeds without breaking the limit and allowing it to close the distance between it and it's foes with remarkable ease. And not to mention it house six eight thousand storm troopers at any given moment, with two hundred mechs and six hundred tanks, a thousand pieces of artillery, and enough supply's of food and ammunition for a siege of a planet for six months. The ship had it's own construction line, able to produce tanks, mechs, ammo, and even other warships. Which it housed six other warships, four missile cruiser's and two destroyers. Which were each five hundred meters long, which justified the one kilo wide ship. The ship also housed eight hundred missile pods, a technology they had copied from the Parthian Navy in their few encounters, which held well over two hundred missiles apiece.

It's great and mighty size was flanked at all times by, one supporting battleship, a one kilometer beast. Two cruisers, one interceptor a dozen gun boats and a host of resupplying ships, so it would never need to truly 'dock' and a research vessel. Which at the moment the fleet was preparing for a very exciting change of their humdrum pace of life, they were going to go on the first expedition to a new system, but oddly this one was taken them from the middle of the Gamma Quad, to the edge of the Alpha Quad, on a search for the fabled Father Species. The one they were supposedly genetic ancestors of.

Admiral Murial, a tough old man. Entering the late sixty's of life, he had seen many odd things in life, from pirate fleets, to random other empire attempting to break Hurun's stead fast defenses to even tempral shifts strong enough to erase an enter system. But now he was on track to see the finest sight ever, a new planet. One out of Huruns five habitable worlds, which were under fine protection by the home fleets and people.

"Sir, the fleet is on the edge of the system. Prepare new jump cords?" The Admiral nodded at the ships captain. The fleet rested closely to the mighty ship, and slowly applied magnetic locks to the ships outer-flanks. Resting tight the fleet made the jump. Arrival time, six days.

The Controller
I once was the King of an Entire Empire, creating shadow wars, proxy wars with puppet states and commanding an army in the I am subject to the shadows tell my new puppets are strong enough to weather the storm I am bringing them into.



"You are rambling again me liege."

"Must be this ever thinking plotting mind of mine."

"It is." His eyes flicked to his aide, the smaller being shimmered. Still not use to the powers he could use. "Sir...why that world? That single one?"

"It sits on the edge of our old Empire, my dear Mandle, and it hold a certain relic...on which will allow them to expand in the economic and... religious aspects." God I do love it when my plans come to fruition. But I have sat back for well over three thousand years, a few dozen or hundred more wont hurt.

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