Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Well Hegemon, I gift more unique to our culture....hmmm and I do feel comfortable giving you a blade. Something does tell me that our races could be friends," Jon Lok's eyes turned over the docking bay, suddenly dawning on him that he was meeting an esteemed member of another nation in the crudest of environments. What with it's dull grey's and plain utilitarian look. When it came to things like this, the Hurun went for simplicity over looks.
"How about before I give you your gift, I show you your quarters and where the shopping district is?" Jon wanted to impress his guest and provide the best treatment possible, he wanted the Tavan to feel safe and at home.


The military quarters post master hailed the message back.
"Werek, dock your ship and unload your cargo. We have a returning present for your people." If and when Werek landed he would meet a Hurun about the same height at the High Priestess, but instead of a greenish blue skin, this males skin would be blood red. His bone plates a full six inches tall, with pockmarks covering them. His dress was black, sharp and crisp.
Amkia's gentle probing would find something odd. For an image that could be put to it was simple, the High Priestess Cibal could do Physic links, but her mind was guarded. It would look and probably feel like like a ball, covered in spikes and chained shut, oozing poison. But it was not harmful more like it was protective. No ill intent was there, just a cold ball to protect the High Priestess.

Amkia, you should have just asked. Cibal's eyes locked onto this strange beings eyes.

"I am forty eight years of age, I was born a Priestess and the first female prophet. I have been leading a church since I was eight. I led my first congregation when I was six. The All Mighty Controller spoke to me when I was ten, he spoke of a coming time when we, the Hurun, would eclipse the shadows and create a new golden age. Since then I have been...different. I will tell you more later on that, privately. I am the second in command of the Holy Empire. With only the High Priest, Jon Lok, the true prophet, being the ruler of our people. We lead as one unit, as one church, and one society. Does that answer some of your questions?" Her tone was not sharp nor cold, it was neutral. No emotion, just some one used to their life telling it to another worshiper of their own god system.
Dear High Priest of hurun,

The Terliran Empire accepts your invation. Emperor Tedian will be arriving with in the next few hour on a Terliran Frigate here is its Signature so you can track it. Be warned, if that ship comes under fire you will have to answer to the power of the Terliran navy.

Emperor Tedian

"Seriously....they think we will attack them? How...good Controller help us." Slova wanted to growl and kill something, these idiots were starting to become a security concern. Thankfully the battleship was slowly moving into position, the one kilometer giant would sit there waiting.

"To The Tarliran Empire,

We promise you're ship will not come under any fire from us or our other guests. And since we do not know the exact size nor the capabilities of your ship, one of our Tier Three Battleships, The Prophets Regret will be waiting at a distance of six thousand meters from your ship when you exit transition space into Normal space. Do not fear, for all of our guests have been met this way. From there you will be, depending on the size of your ship, will be guided into the holding space by our Station Gar.

Signed, Lord of Admirals Slova."

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