Sunday, February 24, 2013

Human eyes. Human brains.

You sit and watch. You watch as others suffer right before your eyes. Your human eyes. Your human brains. You do nothing. You suffer by sitting silent and quite and....background. Are you happy going through life as background? Are you?

Content to let life dive you by. To be a bystander on a freeway to greatness? To sit and be fat and lazy of mind and body? Happy to be...little?

Why stay silent? What is there to lose? Nothing, for I was there. I was background. I was silent. I was letting life pass me by. Then all it took was a hit to the head, literal and physical, to open my human eyes. To see the colors of love and hope. To go from seeing black and blue. To grab life and yell


And breath to breath the freshness of a new life. I am now taking charge of my life. Are you?

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