Tuesday, March 19, 2013


You know there is one simple problem with being the Hero. And I am willing to bet you younglings don't know what it is. I will give you a minute..........can't figure it out?

It's really simple, I promise. I know the answer...do you want it? Yes? Okay..be warned this might ruin the image of them for you. Okay still reading? Good.

They die young. But the few that live through that ordeal, they are expected to be a Hero again and again. Time after time they expect you to save the world...or even your town. I don't judge. Well just think about it, they tell you in movies the Hero lives and the Villain dies...sorry kiddo life doesn't work that way. Movies exists to make you feel better about your pathetic excuse for a life. Sorry you said you wanted the truth, but any way they want you to feel gooooood about yourself. The good guy wins and the bad guy loses.

Well life is sometimes sick and twisted. The naivete of kids your age makes me sick some times. You really think the good guy is always going to win? Hell he's lucky if he wins half the time, hell even a third...or a tenth. Bad guys have an advantage in war, fights. They have no rules they have no laws or moral obligations. You think all men who are "evil" have a reason? Like daddy leaving when they were ten? HA! Some do it cause one simple reason...they can. Nothing stops them. Nothing will.

Why? The good guy, the Hero has to live by certain moral and ethic codes. He has things to live for. The bad guy the villain, some times just the guy on the other side of the road doesn't. Well the Hero can't kill a guy who is near death the "villian" can and most likely will.

I know this cause I have seen it. Good lord I have seen so many Hero's burn in their own self-rightoues quests, and I have caused many to fall.

A wicked smile crosses his face. Perfectly straight white teeth glimmer in the bar. The music dies and a sudden realization dawns on the young man. The guy who has been helping him was...no.

The police found a body hanging from a tree, a gun in his hand blood seeping down his limp form. His skin had been peeled back and what looked like salt poured on his wounds. To this day no one can find who killed the kid.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Cameron, this was amazing, and that's so true, good guys always finish last :/
