Thursday, February 28, 2013

"Well Hegemon, I gift more unique to our culture....hmmm and I do feel comfortable giving you a blade. Something does tell me that our races could be friends," Jon Lok's eyes turned over the docking bay, suddenly dawning on him that he was meeting an esteemed member of another nation in the crudest of environments. What with it's dull grey's and plain utilitarian look. When it came to things like this, the Hurun went for simplicity over looks.
"How about before I give you your gift, I show you your quarters and where the shopping district is?" Jon wanted to impress his guest and provide the best treatment possible, he wanted the Tavan to feel safe and at home.


The military quarters post master hailed the message back.
"Werek, dock your ship and unload your cargo. We have a returning present for your people." If and when Werek landed he would meet a Hurun about the same height at the High Priestess, but instead of a greenish blue skin, this males skin would be blood red. His bone plates a full six inches tall, with pockmarks covering them. His dress was black, sharp and crisp.
Amkia's gentle probing would find something odd. For an image that could be put to it was simple, the High Priestess Cibal could do Physic links, but her mind was guarded. It would look and probably feel like like a ball, covered in spikes and chained shut, oozing poison. But it was not harmful more like it was protective. No ill intent was there, just a cold ball to protect the High Priestess.

Amkia, you should have just asked. Cibal's eyes locked onto this strange beings eyes.

"I am forty eight years of age, I was born a Priestess and the first female prophet. I have been leading a church since I was eight. I led my first congregation when I was six. The All Mighty Controller spoke to me when I was ten, he spoke of a coming time when we, the Hurun, would eclipse the shadows and create a new golden age. Since then I have been...different. I will tell you more later on that, privately. I am the second in command of the Holy Empire. With only the High Priest, Jon Lok, the true prophet, being the ruler of our people. We lead as one unit, as one church, and one society. Does that answer some of your questions?" Her tone was not sharp nor cold, it was neutral. No emotion, just some one used to their life telling it to another worshiper of their own god system.
Dear High Priest of hurun,

The Terliran Empire accepts your invation. Emperor Tedian will be arriving with in the next few hour on a Terliran Frigate here is its Signature so you can track it. Be warned, if that ship comes under fire you will have to answer to the power of the Terliran navy.

Emperor Tedian

"Seriously....they think we will attack them? How...good Controller help us." Slova wanted to growl and kill something, these idiots were starting to become a security concern. Thankfully the battleship was slowly moving into position, the one kilometer giant would sit there waiting.

"To The Tarliran Empire,

We promise you're ship will not come under any fire from us or our other guests. And since we do not know the exact size nor the capabilities of your ship, one of our Tier Three Battleships, The Prophets Regret will be waiting at a distance of six thousand meters from your ship when you exit transition space into Normal space. Do not fear, for all of our guests have been met this way. From there you will be, depending on the size of your ship, will be guided into the holding space by our Station Gar.

Signed, Lord of Admirals Slova."

Monday, February 25, 2013

Sticks and Stones

Sticks and stones break my bones. I go day to day fighting this fight. I live each day on a gas tank running on empty but with the attitude I am on full and will keep racing ahead. I never hit the breaks on this wild ride I call my life, this crazy, hellion, chaotic way of life. Racing from one destination to the next.

I fight this dark black beast each morning, noon and night. When I am with friends and enemy's and family and loved ones. This beast that crawls within and without each time my eyes blink and I breath, each time my fist clenches, each draw of my breath, with every heartbeat's sitting there waiting. Wanting to attack me, my loved ones, my friends, my family and my lord.

His breath is ragged, wet, and warm, a dark deep reminder of my past self. He is me....I am him. He is my anger. My anger is him. Fears and darkness are him and I am him. His dark hands rest on my shoulders, trying to make me kneel and say the words to end it. The words I have thought before but never said. But the actions...I have tried those and it sits there.

I kneel though to a different being. I kneel before an almighty all powerful God! I pray to him morning, noon, and night. With each draw I pray and ask for strength to run and keep fighting for myself and others. To give me courage and the wisdom to handle this day.

I think each day why..why? What is the reason for this? And I have come to the conclusion that Beauty is the reason for life, God created a perfect work of art and is proud of us. He is boastful of his work and we are his beauty and says to go forth in life and live!! Live for Christ.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Human eyes. Human brains.

You sit and watch. You watch as others suffer right before your eyes. Your human eyes. Your human brains. You do nothing. You suffer by sitting silent and quite and....background. Are you happy going through life as background? Are you?

Content to let life dive you by. To be a bystander on a freeway to greatness? To sit and be fat and lazy of mind and body? Happy to be...little?

Why stay silent? What is there to lose? Nothing, for I was there. I was background. I was silent. I was letting life pass me by. Then all it took was a hit to the head, literal and physical, to open my human eyes. To see the colors of love and hope. To go from seeing black and blue. To grab life and yell


And breath to breath the freshness of a new life. I am now taking charge of my life. Are you?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cameron is pissed

you see a smile, a bright happy person. you dont know me or like me. the hatred and anger that is pent up and burning inside of me, beneath my calm happy exciting exterior. I have built myself to be a fortress, not a physical one, but a mental one, but not from the outside but from within. 

inside of me rages a storm, years of pent up pain, hate, hurt. you see some one who helps. you want to know me? Know why i act like I do? 

I don't want to turn into my father, that abusive sick evil puss of a human. You see a father and love him, I see a father and want to kill him. I have been abused mentally, physically and emotionally. For years the fists and slaps, the bruises are gone, no physical scars. But my mind keeps them, and when I was younger, maybe when I was five or six, I had an older half brother living with us, I didn't really know him nor like him but one day he tried to kill me by trying to strangle me. I am alive but now i can't let people touch my neck, I snap when they do. Hence why no one touches it EVER. 

To be emotionally abused...I can't fucking stand the words stupid, retard, idiot, dumb any of those ones.  i was called that so much growing up it has mentally ruined my and now I am due to fits of anxity attacks and panic attacks and now my hands shake constintly. I was spoken to in baby talk until i was ten by my father and now you hear this speech issue of mine, this diabolical speech issue.

mentally i am torn and barely in controll. i am held together by thing strands, weak as a flower. I am not strong, you don't know me, some even say I am a "softy" they dont know how much i have trained not to be voilent, as was my upbring to be so. 

so to all of you who think they know me based on my outside, please kindly shut the fuck up with the bitching and whining, the crying and complaining that I am human. when I slip an inch its always the same "he lies. Hes a hypocrite" please kindly shut the fuck up. 

I am done, I am so close to snapping. I am far from being healed all the way and i am far from being a pure christian. i am under constant attack for these things, all because I am me. So SHUT THE FUCK UP! I am sick of the crying that i am a hypocrite, I am a human, not some one bigger then you, i never claim to be, I stive to be a man of God and a good leader. 


I kneel

Watch this heart bleed
Watch me suffer
Watch me struggle
I lay in pain
Suffering I fight
This Demon I fight
This hatred suffers me
This bleeding torn ragged hole
The deceiver tempts me
I drown in darkness
I shut the light out
I can't breath
God the Great, the shepherd leads me
God save me!
God you know I need prayer
I kneel

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A destiny

I stand at a road diverging. No this is not some Robert Frost poem, though I do love his work. No I stand at two amazing chances.

One road I stay in the northwest to become a symbol, a rising star. I have my foot in the door here, with a year of paging and three years of Legislative day, to the point Senators and Representative address me by my name. I am told day and night I have a voice and people will gladly follow me....I feel a power, one that it building up within me and I don't know what's going to happen.

The other one treks me across the nation to our capital to be a possible Intern at it. Wow I am lucky...

Monday, February 11, 2013


To some I am nothing
To other I am a lot
To many I am little
To few I am all
Who am i?

Monday, February 4, 2013

A different train of thought

His voice carried over the promenade. A deep gravel tone, anger thrust upon words of peace. "Hurun, why do we follow the words of a false prophet? This High Priest and Priestess? Why do subject your selves to worshiping a false god and idol?" Some nodded but most look disgusted, their upper lips curled baring fangs. "How had your god protected you! Follow a true leader! One who has knowledge and experience with day to day life." More nodded and began to crowd around this heretic. Each day the war had gone on more and more of these pathetic imbecilic rose from the belly of civilization. "I say follow a leader who has courage! Who knows what we as Hurun are capable of!" A small cheer from the crowd. His broad face smiled wider and wider. A power seemed to fill his eyes. "People of this fine station! Follow the teachings of the Mad Man, the Hurun prophet the church does not want you to hear! He is alive and well! But in hiding for fear of the Empire's wrath!" The assembled Hurun were now fully in this idiots powers. As an observer in the crowd she smiled. Slight of build, no taller than the average four foot Hurun, she smiled. Her beautifully stunning blue eyes sparkled as her frame glided through the crowd. Her thin delicate hands moved up and gently pushed on shoulders to let her pass. 

Her petite body helped her slip through to the front of the massive crowd. The Hurun speaking continued to growl out his words. Now fully in control of those dumb enough to listen to him, his eyes were evil in their intent, and that sickened her. At the front, no more than a foot from him, with his feet at her chest due to him being on a raised Dias. 

"But sir, what lies do the Priests teach?" Her voice was snake like, it slithered and coiled around his ear holes, her faint perfume wafted to his nose, his eyes dilated. Her simple voice had caused his face to flush, his body now needed tending to. 

"What miss?" His brown eyes drifted down her, desire thick in them, his voice had dropped to a purr. 

"What lies do the Priests teach?" Her bottom lip curled just the tiniest bit, enough for him to see how full and succulent they were. How firm they looked. He coughed a bit as she leaned on his legs. Her amble chest pushing into his leg. His body squirmed a bit under her touch. 

"They tell us that the Hurun are the chosen, that there have been species before ours, and that there is a god. One god." He spoke as if speaking to a child. The women tugged on his pants a bit, to bring his face down to hers. 

"Do you know who I," His face was so close to her, his breath rancid from his last meal, most likely meat. It took all her will power not to snap his thin, weak, twig like neck, like the bug he was. His eyes looked to her and just stared into them, he was her puppet now. And oh how much fun she did have with her puppets. "am."

"Why you are some pretty lady wanting a nice" A deep and fast realization set in on his soul. His eyes opened wide, revealing the red veins around them. His greenish skin tone dropped to white. His mouth slowly fell open. Her face turned into a cruel and wicked smile. Oh how easy it was for her to draw these idiots into her web, how they would look at her and their brains would turn to mush, all for her to ruin them in one fatal blow. She quickly pulled his leg out from underneath him, his body crashed to the floor. Stepping on him with her black leather boot, raising above him onto the Dias. With her thin, beautiful hands, she took off her cloak. 

With each step it floated lower and lower down her curvy form. Revealing a tight outfit, a deep v-cut on her chest, a tight pants with black leather boots up to her knees. A round, angelic face, with blue eyes of fire, with a willpower to make some of those around her drop to the floor in fear. She turned, her bone plates shining gold on her head. she had spent years growing them so they were in a twisting form that from each side of her body displayed different images. On the left was the image of a man with a sword through his chest. The Bonding Wars. On her right was a woman holding a child to the sky. The Church Rises. From her back a man standing broad with a gun held across his chest. The End of Plague. And from the front, an eye which burned red. The Controller.

Her skin was red, the rarest of colors of a Hurun, it shone like fresh blood covered her whole body. A design rose along her outfit, starting from her left boot, in simple blue rose veins. As they went up, they morphed into flames, which upon her back where they ended was a face screaming in forever torment. The Sign.

"Do you know who I am?" Her voice reached out and slapped the hundreds arrayed in a circle around her. A silence fell over the promenade. "I said do you know who I am?" Those around bowed their heads. "I see you know who I am!" Her clear perfectly toned voice raised up to the point of making the eaves creak in vibrations. "The Controller has granted us the protection and safety the Empire has provided you. And yet you repay us by demanding to break apart? Well we wage a war to end the Illiam Confederacy's terrorists sponsored attacks on us and their paid mercenary's! The Empire bleeds to protect you! The Controller weeps at the death's of those brave enough to protect those who can't protect themselves! No disperse." The High Priestess smiled to herself. 


We will march
Our call shall go out to all those who are free, to those who are enslaved, to the despondent's.
Those who enslave, the tyrants and dictators, the wicked and sick. 
We shall march
Our name will raise across the stars in a holy Jihad, the Hurun will be a new savior.
We follow a life style that will give all a purpose. For we are Hurun.

The High Priest closed his holy scripture. His eyes closed for a few seconds collecting himself. Before him was a crowd of thousands, they were all finishing their verses as well and moving onto the chanting. The assembled masses tone rose and fell, their old words telling a story of creation and death. And of it's continuing cycle. 

His mind drifted for once, normally the leader of the Hurun was as sharp as a tack, but at the moment his mind grew hazy with a realization. One that would have shattered a lesser mind but a leader of an Empire it only slowed his response to the end of the chant. He closed it with the ceremonial prayers. The closing line was always the same and always will be. "And by the will of the Controller we shall live. And by the will of the Controller we shall perish."

He drifted to the back of the grand church. His body moved without him thinking. The mind of the intellectual giant flying across all he knew. Which in all honesty was allot of information to process. This single thought dragged him mind away from all else. 

Three hundred years His species had been a space faring Empire for close to three hundred fifty years now, an insanely long time for only a total of five other nations to come across them. From what their instruments told them the galaxy was a very busy place, with a few hundred other nations out there. Some flaring up in only a few dozen years others it seeming like being their since the dawn. 

And some were truly massive, reports constantly rolled across the Navy's ears of a Rethast, a Star Empire, and various others. And even sometimes of planet wide extinction events, some even enter clusters. It was to his knowledge that there were very large and very powerful threats in the galaxy. And Hurun was currently alone in it. An idiotic move on their part. 

Sunday, February 3, 2013

A life twisting, turning, churning, yearning
A life churning cloudy dark twisted by age
a life by age is twisted turn thrown asunder is ripped
A bloody messy heap is life