Friday, December 21, 2012


A cold ticking hand on the clock. Tick tock. Tick tock. Each second a nail dragging on a chalk board, it's tremendous creak and scratch. His skin crawls as if a spider is walking across it, he begins to squirm in his seat, his back no longer feeling well. A trickle of sweats drains down his slanted forehead, a bright blindingly bright light swings over head, his hair clings to his head in matted clumps.

His wrists are tied tight by a rough sand paper like rope, dried crusted blood it matted up and down his arms. His mouth is dry like dust is in it, his tongue swollen and sticking to the roof of his mouth.

A thin man entered the room. A pitch black suit with a white tie around his neck, his face was hidden in shadow. This man's voice seemed far off, way to far off.

"Why did you do it?'

Tears fall down the tied up man's face.
"Do what?"

"Killing them. Killing her" A picture of a beautiful women with blond hair in held in front of his face. "Him." A child of no more than twelve years of age.

"I didn't.." Suit and tie smacked him across the face.

Monday, December 17, 2012

First part of my novel

Cracked hands reached up and peeled corn from its stalk. The hands owner quickly turned the cob over checking to see if it was okay. After a couple seconds it nodded and put it in a sack on it’s right side. Reaching up again it pulled another off and without even checking threw it into a sack on the left, the ones unfit to eat. The old man continued this grueling work for hours. Just methodically work up and down across several acres worth of corn.

As noon came about, his back sore from the heavy bags, the old man turned and began to walk back across the fields to where he left his lunch. As he passed across rows of corn, their stalks depleted now, red dust clinging to his trousers, his step weary from old age, he thought to himself that this years crop and yielded twice the amount compared to last year's crops. Twice the amount of corn for him and his family to eat and twice the amount from last year to sell and the market. And even the bad ones, which his family couldn't eat could feed the pigs and two horses. The husks would make for better baskets, or things to eat on and help preserve food. The seeds he would dry and plant again in three years.

Not more than a minute away was his horse, a trusty black stallion with a larger white spot on it’s forehead. The horse was quite large, putting it around 18 hands tall. And 24 long.

“Hey there Geld.” The old man patted the horse on it’s head, dust puffing up with each little tap.
“I need to take you to the river and wash you.” Reaching up he took of the sacks and placed them on the horses back. Sitting on a stump not far from the horse he sat down on it and pulled out a peice of bread and some cheese and two apples, one for him and one for his horse.

Sitting there, time silent, there was no noise of bugs for the sun was too hot for them to be active. The rest of the world was asleep, as was normal for when the worlds seems to blister and boil like a lobster in a pot. Noticing that his horse was thirsty and having no canteen for the mighty steed, he grabbed it’s reigns and walked it down to the river.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Okay rant on some major sort of BS to me

I sit on the curb everyday and I watch hundred pass me by. I sit with my hand open and stomach hallow. I am a disease, a ugliness on the gross misused under belly of society. I beg and plead I ask for a dollar, a quarter  a dime, a nickle, a pennie? No? Fine Fine. I will sit here starving. A veteran who has lost his arm in a war!

Now that I have you attention, what happened to america? What happened to my homeland? The greatest most powerful country in the worlds history? Where have my, our, your, freedoms gone!? I live in a country on the verge of losing her sovereignty! We are now filled with the weak and coward, when at one time we turned out the greatest and best. We have fallen ill to a great sickness in our country, one that has been seeping into our way of life for far to long! Because of this sickness, this disease, this cancerous tumor, we have fallen into a debt that nears 17 trillion, the highest tax in in our history, a weakend military and the poorest economy since the Great Depression. We live in a time of social progress but also the time of the Great rescission, (AKA grow up if you believed this was a rescission, if it was one we would have been out of it within a year, not still going on.) Millions have lost there jobs and this is the worst job market in just under a hundred years. And now we are looking at a time when over sixty percent of the population did not vote in a presidential election, we are sick and this sickness, America's true enemy, Apathy!

We live in a society filled "I don't cares!" Some one dies, and it's "I don't care." A man is robbed on the street corner and it's "I don't care!" We near a mark of 17 trillion dollars in debt and soon to have two added on every year and it's  "I! Dont! Care!" I say wake up america! Wake up to your cup of coffee and realize that we as a country will shut down if that debt does not turn around soon and we began to pay it off! We need more of people who will stand on that soap box, more dreamers, thinkers and fighters to rise ot their podium and shout "WE ARE TIRED OF NOT CARING!" I need the artist the speakers and movers and the motivators to rise again and shout into the air with me "I AM DONE NOT CARING!" Apathy needs to die and with it needs to die the sense that all will be right, for not all is right, all is wrong. Now is the time for people like MLK Jr, JFK, FDR, Ronald Regan, and their like to rise again and to wrestle this country from the jaws of death and to rise!
a mighty height for the small
A mini heigt for the large
for the down a climb a blight a fight a war
for the big a drool a dread an ant a day! 
One left
Left of many
many of many
Many to reduce
Reduce did not happen
Happen did defeat
defeat for one
one for victory
victory for none
A combined might
A broken night
A torn bright
A blight of fright
The child weeps


To feel like a joke is perhaps the worst feeling in the world. The thick frog like feeling in your throat as you want to cry but cant do to always being the strong one. No I lie the feeling of Christmas for me....guys I am trusting you on this one, don't tell anybody. Only like one other person knows in the whole world, but I can't do it, I can't be happy this time of year. I space out and feel like I don't belong and I float from one class to the next not even really there. I don't even enjoy the day, the memories the for me I can't do it. I cant do this time of year and it shows when I listen to Christmas music or my friends are so excited for it and all I can do is barely function. So yeah I am not so happy around this time of year.

The short

I walk alone down a long winding road above a lake. Great pines line both side of me, to my right a cliff face straight up for hundreds of feet. To my left a drop of death falling into the rocky shore line. Mighty trees reach for the heavens like great spears thrown from under the earth, ones that which God had slowed down to mock the demons from below. Their weapons slowed to an inch crawl a year, left forever to spit and spew in anger at an all powerful almighty God.

Down the cliff, strewn among the rocks and the sandy beach, floating in the water, were hundreds of body's. The ones in the inky black surface were bloated and torn, skin split in a revolting explosion of flesh and fat. the body's washed on the shoreline were pecked with holes and ripped apart by seagulls. And The body's strung on the rocks hung low and pierced and broken apart. Great vile looking birds flew over head, circling ever circling. I still walk this cursed world. And they still circle me even though I care the light of Christ and God.

Squak!! I close me eyes in a desperate hope to block the image of the guts and dried blood on it's beak. I open my eyes as the road turns and there in the trees are corpses  fresh ones....he's so close I can feel the weight the darkness has again. A chilled wind sweeps down the narrow corridor, my bones freeze, it's defiantly him. As I walk I see more body hanging from the trees. They swing back and fourth, his captured souls. The road narrows and narrows until the body's are pushing in on my shoulders. I can't move forward nor back.

There is him, his black figure. He points and laughs. My heart falls off of the cliff, he is back but he has no power. Not anymore. Not with my true father with me. A prayer is all it takes to defeat him now. One fast word, His name spoke, the true name, "God" and the being vanishes in smoke.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


"Why? Why would some one do that?" A shriek from her throat. After hours of screaming thats all she could say. The only thing now was those few words from a huddled broken body on the floor, long white hair covering an oval face. Sobs and shrieks from her beaten and battered mind. Large black bruises covered her arms and neck her pale white skin shining in the moonlight. Her breath hung in the icy air.

Lighting blue eyes peered through the wispy strands. A raw fear permeated the air as her eyes flicked back and fourth staring at you.
"Why did you hurt me?" She shrieks at you yet again but a cold indifference fills your black soul. You can't help but feel sick at the site of this bloodied and beaten whore before you. Spitting on her your balled fist slams into her face again.

"WHY?!?!" She screams through bloody tears running from her eyes and nose. A sick twisted grin crosses your face. Licking your lips in anticipation of what's to come, the sweet relief of it. Taking a step forward, your foot breaks a branch laying on the pine needle covered ground.

She screams it at you again. Without hesitation you kick her in her ugly broken toothed mouth. She fell back her head hitting the tree behind her. She lay there coughing chest heavy and spasming from pain. She asks you the question again.

You finally decide to answer.
"Why? WHY?" A broken crackled laugh breaks from your crusted lips. "Cause your a witch! You have preformed black magic you evil she devil! You brought my family out of being Christians!" she screams as you began to slam your already bloodied fists into her cracking skull. The red poured fourth down her beautiful face.

You stand over her mutilated body and smile.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Many things go on. But what is to go on? Like really what is it to go on? Is it the urge to live life, to drudge forward, to just go and go. Or as Dori from Finding Nemo stats several times "Just keep swimming swimming swimming." Life is a mix of ups and downs low blows and high highs. You can never predict what is going to happen at any given moment and life loves playing tennis with us. But eh oh well.