Monday, April 29, 2013

The darkness

Just as a heads up this is a raw thing I am going to tell you. This is....yeah.... just bear with this story. I am not a person who likes to beat around the bush or cover up what I am thinking. But I have to tell a story to get it across. ************

A rotting carcass, flies buzzing, that ever persistent buzzing noise that goes around and around. It's permanent stench hanging in the air so thick you can taste the filth in your mouth. It's rich pungent taste filling up and curdling the stomach.

But the more I look at it, the more my eyes watch it's flesh twitch and shake from the maggots crawling across and inside of it, the more I realize it's a person. Or close to one, it's huge. The thing must be a full head and shoulders taller then me.

A dawning and a realization. It's him... or me depending on who you ask. He haunted my every waking moment for years, the first time when I was five living out in the country. I was out side late at night playing with my dog. When I heard twigs breaking and a tree branch break. Naturally I was scared, but then...this thing walked out of the bushes in my backyard. Pitch black, except for the pure white eyes the glowed in the eternal darkness that was him. Until that moment I had not known what fear was. Not when my other dog had tried ripping my throat out, not when I had watched a grown man try to stab my father. Nothing until I saw it. Of course I ran inside crying like a little whinny baby.

From that point on I saw him in my sleep. Almost always, I barely slept for years. He was always there, a giant, walking through my dreams. So dark was he that in night he was an empty space except for the eyes and smile. The wicked ever curving smile that haunted me where ever I went. Even in broad daylight he would walk out and smile at me. For years that mouth moved and I could not hear him. I could not hear his vile sick twisted evil words. That was... not until I turned thirteen.

Thirteen something changed in me, instead of being far away, he was close. Sometimes I could feel his hand on my back, how his hand would almost curve around my chest. I could feel him sqeeze and push. Then one day... close to christmas I heard him. His voice was like oil and snakes. Black and vile. Cold and hot. He was evil.

"I will take everything you love." Some days it would be that, others. "You will bow to my king one day. You will reject it...but you will." His words which was a small bit quickly grew. He began to voice and say what he would do to my friends and loved ones. How and what he would do. I still have nightmares from what he said he would do to my family.

In my freshmen year his power seemed to jump. He had let me go a year without haunting me, I had let my guard down. For one night at my schools basketball game I saw him. His full size, his thickly corded arms, how he was a demon of fear and strength. Nothing was there to hold him back.

"She's mine soon. HosKing." The pause between the words still haunts me. How he appeared a foot behind my best-friend. That smile and eyes. And later that night... I had gotten home with my mother. She had me run up our walk way to unlock the house. As I got to the house the cool october night turned icy. I felt the wind die and the cold stone of him settle in. I turned my head back to my mom. And there as she walked up to me was him. He made her look like a shrimp. His power made the lights on my street dim. His smile was the widest I had ever seen it.

"You can't stop me boy." I sprinted towards my mom. And all he did was turn and walk away. His steps slow and deliberate. I watched him disappear into nothingness.

For the next few months I could feel him in my house. He would not let me see him, but he was there. Ever walking and pacing out of my view. And then my nightmares grew into night-terrors. I would be asleep but aware of my house, and I would see him hunched over my sisters bed. A laugh and smile from him. See him over my mom and little brother. I would feel him walk around, the new king of my home. How he would walk into my room and tell me vile things. I could feel my soul corrupting. How it was breaking under his constant abuse and torture. I was snapping. My sleep was next to zilch. I didn't let anyone know though. I quickly grew violent. My eyes always bloodshot. I was not alive... just a shadow walking and going through the motions.

He began to sit next to my feet in the night. Laughing and talking to me. That smile always there. Always making my heart freeze in fear for he was fear living. When ever some one says that all you have to fear is fear itself, I am damned sure it's him.

We went like this until the summer between my sophomore and junior years. There I went to a bible camp, the week before that he was in my room, ranting and storming. Screaming at me curses flying from his mouth. I could see the anger and froth coming from his mouth. He wanted to kill me, I could feel the pain tightening in my chest, I thought I was going to explode. But he couldn't kill me. Kept screaming that he wasn't allowed to.

At the camp I feared he would find me alone in the dark. Well there I found Christ and accepted him. And the next time I saw him, he couldn't move. It was strange, for all his physical might, he could not move. Something much larger and more powerful was in the room with me. And the True Him, did not like my demon.

It become close to a year before I saw him again. This time he was at a great distance. His smile not there, but his eyes still shinning. How his shadow made light bend and waver.

I later saw him in a dream. He was doing his best to try and get me again. But I was armed with the power of Christ.

But now I saw a rotting carcass. His eyes still glowing, his smile there.

"You impudent whelp. In all my time... no one has broken my hold." I no longer feel his coldness. I see a sad pathetic being now. "You grew lucky.... but I can still sense the pain and anger... it's there. Under the surface. You are still held taught, close to breaking always. The sorrow of you daddy hating you is still fresh as ever. And always will be. Boy I have become a part of you. No matter what you do I will fester... a sore beneath you skin rotting and growing. You can do your best to ignore me but I am still here."

"I don't have to ignore you. I am facing up to my sins and past. Each and terrible bit of it, the alcohol, the drugs, the lies, the violence. I will face each and every last bit of it. I wont break now."

"Yes you will. Your human..... your a sinner, always have been always will be. Your kind never changes. Thats how wars are started.. HEHE." The power he once had on me is almost gone. I can feel it.

"Boy... I will get you. Don't worry we keep close tabs on your kind. Always and forever. That's my lieges promise."

"Good bye, my you rot in hell."

"HA! I will be waiting." I watch as his rotting body slinks off. I am drained after wards, my dream ends and I wake. I think I have finally beaten him.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Cameron, this is seriously phenomenal. The detail and description is really good. That line, "His voice was like oil and snakes." Wow, along with the rest of this, is crazy good. Is this your memoir? Because it is seriously amazing. Way to go Cameron, way to stick through and keep fighting.
