Thursday, January 9, 2014


I began to notice strange things when I was young. Oddities. Like how people would lie to me and I knew it. For a long time I knew it. My family said I was strange.. they acted scared of me at times. I could notice.... it was like an energy. At all times.

Now two of my posts involve, ghosts and me seeing energy. And one a demon.  I... yeah this sounds crazy but I see them... well sense. I don't normally see them. But I am aware of them. I am aware of peoples presences. And I am told time and time again that my presence is large, and rough, but that it draws people in.

I was told a few months back by a teacher that I am a man of power. I don't crave it, it finds me. That I can't enter a room without every one wanting my attention. He said "HosKing, people want you to notice them. You aren't a small presence in a room, you dominate without trying to dominate."

Now I didn't believe him until I started riding the bus and random strangers started telling me their problems. Not just small ones but huge life changing issues. I attract things...I attract people.

Now I have no idea how or why I have this ability. Or even if it is all made up in my head (Name of the site does have my name with question mark). I honestly don't see how people can follow me, or why they do. 

I have little tolerance for ignorance, or rudeness. Arrogant people piss me off and I tend to confront them about said arrogance. If you say you are better then others, feel entitled, or put others down I become your enemy. I am hard baring and don't let persons slack off or goof off when things need to be down. Like a Kyojin, I will come down on you. I push hard for excellence and I push even harder for self growth. I abhor senseless violence but will resort to it as a last resort. 

People claim I am a great leader, but I am not. I swear, I smoke, I did drugs, I did alcohol, I hurt people physically and mentally. My best friend, I used to bully him on a daily basis. So why I have this power when I am clearly such a curropt and evil person is unknown to me. Hell maybe I am crazy.

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